Chapter 17: The Triforce

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            It was late morning when Link landed back in Skyloft, sun shining brightly over the city

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It was late morning when Link landed back in Skyloft, sun shining brightly over the city. He dropped onto the docking area to the south and watched the bazaar. It was crowded with people, but he wanted to see where he stood in his recent trial. He knew that last vision was purely in his head, but he wanted to replace that image of Skyloft burning with the way he'd seen it this morning. If for no other reason than to convince himself the place was still standing. He half expected Ghirahim to be lurking behind him, or for one of his friends to come out of nowhere. Looking at the new Hylian Shield, he told himself his vision was over, that he had to keep moving to make sure what Ghirahim showed him would never happen.

As he passed through town and onto the bridge leading to the goddess statue, Fi appeared from the sword and floated beside him. For a while she was quiet, her face expressionless as always. She didn't speak until they were in the courtyard. "To achieve your destiny and keep the promise you made to Zelda, you must vanquish Demise. To accomplish this task, you will need to find and obtain the Triforce."

"I know," Link nodded.

"You seem doubtful of your ability to accomplish this task."

Link looked down the stairs that led into the Chamber of the Sword. "That's not it," he said quietly. "I can do this, that I know... I'm just not sure if what I'll do with it is the right decision."

"Then allow me to put your mind at ease," Gaepora said, standing in the center of the courtyard behind Link. "I have no doubt that you'll make the right decision."

Link turned around. "How'd you know I was here?"

"Your bird," Gaepora answered. "The last few times you returned it's started coming to my window."

Link nodded. "Makes sense," he chuckled. "It's a good bird."

"That it is," Gaepora agreed.

"Sorry I didn't stop by sooner," Link apologized. "I came back last night, but--"

"No worries..." Gaepora came closer. "Albat gave me a full report. But that's not what concerns me... Zelda, is she... is she safe?"

He wasn't quite sure how to answer that. Staying quiet on important details was one thing, needlessly worrying Zelda's father was another. "... Yes," Link finally answered, turning away. "A guardian of the Goddess watches over her now, Impa."

Gaepora nodded, his expression softening. "Good," he sighed, stepping away as he headed back towards the academy. "And Link... I can't imagine any other as worthy."

"Wait," Link said before Gaepora could get too far. He held out his old shield. "Could you give this back to Gondo? Tell him it served me well, and that any knight would be lucky to have one."

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