Chapter 5: The Return Home

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            Link was launched into the air, hanging on to his sailcloth as the winds carried him back above the clouds

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Link was launched into the air, hanging on to his sailcloth as the winds carried him back above the clouds. As the winds subsided and Link began to fall again he whistled for his bird, which came a moment later.

He wasn't sure how he felt about returning to Skyloft so soon, especially since he didn't have Zelda with him. He knew the Headmaster would be disappointed in him, or more worried than before for Zelda's health. Yet, as much as he felt the need to avoid them, he knew he had to tell them how things had developed so far. So he flew over Skyloft, circling around and landing in front of the academy when he spotted the headmaster on the lower grounds.

As Link started across the path to the academy however, he was stopped by Pipit. "Link, you've returned!" Pipit exclaimed, shocked. "Have you brought Zelda? Is she safe?"

"Is that Link!?" Gaepora shouted from below. "Wait there! I'll be right up!"

Link sighed.

"So what happened?" Pipit asked. "Where's Zelda?"

"Apparently she has her own quest," Link answered. "I'm supposed to follow, but I'm a bit behind."

Pipit crossed his arms. "But she's alright?"

Link nodded.

"That's some good news at least, right?"

"Yeah," Link nodded. "Though now I have to find where she's gone next."

Gaepora exited the academy then stepping outside. "So it's true then!" he laughed. He looked passed Link, hoping to see his daughter. He had been smiling, but the happiness had gone as quickly as it came. "But... where is my daughter?"

Link looked away from them, then he turned to face the Goddess statue. "I'll explain on the way."


"So she's alive at least..." Gaepora shook his head, standing off to the side in the chamber of the Sword.

Link stood before the altar. "... Yeah, yeah she is. Now I just have to find her." He placed the new crystal next to the first and it glowed, the crest that sat above them now spinning. The chamber rumbled as it had before, signifying the new opening in the cloud barrier below.

Link stepped away from the altar. "And that's it, I think." He turned back to Gaepora. "I'll be heading back down as soon as I can... If Zelda's safe, then I think, for the moment, I can allow myself to rest."

"I'm glad I did some research then," Gaepora said. "If you think you're done here already."

"How do you mean?" Link asked.

"You said you were headed to Eldin next, correct?"

Link nodded.

"According to ancient texts," Gaepora began. "Eldin is comprised almost entirely of molten rock and fire. If you left as you are, you would not last long."

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