Chapter 4: Faron Woods

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            The air rushed up at him with such force it was almost blinding, but by holding on to the sailcloth Link was able to see clearly the world that spread around him

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The air rushed up at him with such force it was almost blinding, but by holding on to the sailcloth Link was able to see clearly the world that spread around him. It was... massive. There was so much of it that just falling from where the hole had been in the clouds, he couldn't see the ends of it.

Lands rose and fell in strange ways all over, forests covered large portions of it as well as fires and sand in other areas. Link wasn't sure he'd ever see all of it himself. It'd take several lifetimes to get around to seeing even half of the world he saw here.

But he focused on the immediate area below him, as that's where the hole had opened up to. Directly beneath him to be exact; a dense forest. He aimed his descent towards an opening, a large crater. There was a structure that looked like a temple, with steady paths lined by fences. It seemed to be the most impossible thing, but... there it was. And there he finally reached solid ground, sinking down to his knees as he rested on a cobblestone square.

Returning the sailcloth to it's place over his shoulder, Link stood and looked over the railing at the center of the crater.

Fi appeared from his sword, hovering beside him. "Master Link, we've arrived. This is the fabled surface that has long been part of Skyloft legend."

Link looked around at everything; the enormous trees all around him, the giant temple structure to the north...

"By my calculations," Fi continued. "You are currently positioned in a location known as the Sealed Grounds." Then she disappeared into the sword again, leaving with just that.

Link nodded. Yup, he thought. Thanks.

He started towards the temple as it was the only landmark he could see from where he started, but as he got closer he stopped. He felt a dark presence, not like Fi's from before when she lead him to the sword chamber. This was different. And only then did he remember the demon from his nightmare, and how it had come from a place like this. The black-scaled beast...

Link looked over his shoulder at the crater, then stepped closer to the edge. He hadn't seen it before, but he noticed a small stone marker-- like a tombstone-- at the very bottom. It emanated darkness.

"What is that?" Link mumbled, crouching down to get a better look.

Suddenly he was swallowed by darkness, and the only thing he could see around him was an eerie red light down below. Black smoke was expelled from within, and once again he saw the monstrous face from his dreams.

His head hurt, and before he could move the monster lunged up at him. Unable to do anything to defend himself against this, Link braced himself as he was devoured by the demon.

Then he opened his eyes, and he was still standing on the edge of the crater. Nothing seemed to have happened, and the marker was unmoved.

Link stepped away, now walking quickly towards the temple. He pushed open the large steel doors and hurried inside. Bad, he thought. Very, very bad.

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