Chapter 6: Eldin Volcano

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            Link aimed his descent towards a small area off to the side, near the cliffs that surrounded the volcano

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Link aimed his descent towards a small area off to the side, near the cliffs that surrounded the volcano. When he got close enough that the winds wouldn't alter his course he took out the sailcloth and floated downwards toward solid ground. Getting better at his landings, it was easy enough for Link to land on both feet and start walking almost immediately after. He started down the path, looking up at the volcano as Fi appeared.

"Link, this is Eldin Volcano," she floated passed him a bit, also watching the flames around them. "It is an active volcano rich with the powers of the earth." The lava popped near the edge of the path, little cinders of fire burning at Link's feet. Fi hovered over the ground, then returned to the sword. Apparently she didn't want to be here. "Approximately 60% is covered by lava," she continued from the sword's gem. "It is inhabited by a large number of creatures that thrive in the extreme heat and direct flame."

Link tightened his bracers, walking cautiously along the narrow paths so close to the lava. "Glad I got that new shield then..."

"Yes," Fi agreed. "But please exercise caution with flammable objects like wood."

"Right," Link huffed as he climbed up a short cliff. "Onward and Upward I guess."

"Hey! Hey! HEY!"

Link froze, looking up and down the path but not seeing anything the voice could belong to.

"Y-you mess with our turf and you're gonna... pay?"

"Whoa!" Another voice gasped. "You're not... Yo, Ledd, I don't think this is one of those red creeps."

"Y-y-yeah, I think you're right," the first agreed. "No reason to scare the hair off us though."

"Who's there?" Link called, spinning in place. "Show yourself!"

Link half expected ghosts or something similar, but instead found mole-like men pop out of the ground before him. Waist deep in the rock they looked up at him.

"Sorry 'bout that pal," said the mole-man who belonged to the first voice who the second named Ledd. "These monsters showing up and messing with our turf has got me on edge. They show up here, and I'm gonna knock the red clean out of 'em! That's what I'm doing here."

"Yeah whatever, Mr. Too-scared-to-dig-in-the-dark," mocked the second. He turned to Link. "I'm Cobal."

"Anyway," Ledd growled at Cobal. "If you're looking for treasure, you should stay clear of those red guys."

"Yeah! But not here!" Cobal added. "Us Mogma have claimed this territory to search for riches. We're what you'd call treasure hunters. There are loads of those red, blue and green stones called rupees around here. Sometimes you can find silver and gold ones too."

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