A date (Part 2)

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YN: Huh, neat, tell me more.

Glynda: My father, Peter Goodwitch, was a factory manager. He worked for a car company and helped design the main parts of the engines used in most cars. My mother, Ana Goodwitch, was a huntress and a teacher at Beacon. As you can tell, I took after my mother.

YN: Almost down to the letter.

At this point their appetizers come and they order their main course.

Glynda: what about you? What was your family like?

YN: As I said earlier, my family was a working class one. My father worked at a cannery and my mother was a seamstress. I pulled myself out of poverty by joining the army officers cadet college. I graduated top of my class and was commissioned as a first lieutenant. A year later I took my doctor's tests and was promoted to captain and transferred to the medical corps for two years.

Glynda: Why just two years?

YN: I was getting to that. I was with the medical corps for two years because I requested frontline combat duty again. A few battles later I was promoted to major just in time for the first pacification of Menagerie.

Glynda: You participated in the first pacification?

YN: I participated in all three.

Glynda: They were a messy affair.

YN: Indeed they were, there was a great deal of arson and looting.

Glynda: That's how you got this jewelry I'd presume.

YN: It was just lying in the bedchamber of the chief's wife, she wasn't using it so I thought that I'd liberate it in the name of the republic of Vale and the 32nd assault infantry regiment.

Glynda: I'm just glad you didn't kill anyone for them.

YN: Anyhow, after the third pacification and a number of other expeditions I was promoted to lieutenant colonel. But unfortunately I took a bullet to the leg and shrapnel to the gut as the result of an attack by Faunus assassins. I was told by the doctor to avoid frontline combat or anything serious and to take a desk position. As a result I transferred to the intelligence service and worked with the department of espionage and intelligence. I trained as a banker and it was my mission to figure out how best to get ahold of the monetary assets of our enemies both foreign and domestic.

Glynda: At this rate, what haven't you done?

YN: There isn't much that I haven't done. I served with the scout troops and with them I climbed the tallest mountains and marched across the deserts of Vacuo. With the Cavalry I rode the great planes and raided up and down the border. With the Naval Infantry I sailed the seas and fought corsairs. With Siege Artillery Regiment number five, "Oum's sledgehammer", I fired the biggest guns in the army. I fought with the Paras and won my jumpwings in gold, ten combat jumps. I served with the tank corps and won my aces badge in gold, twenty tanks destroyed and five captured.

Glynda: An impressive record.

YN: It is, anyhow, after my time with the intelligence services I was promoted to full colonel and sent to command a camp in the forest gap.

Glynda: And a few hundred years later, team RWBY found you.

YN: Indeed they did. And now you you know my story. Omitting a few details of course.

Glynda: And what details might those be?

YN: Things that I have done that are either illegal, immoral, unethical, or repressed.

Glynda: Such as?

YN: The reason why I'm immortal.

Glynda: That being?

YN: Basically, and this is a massive oversimplification, blood sacrifice, proper diet and exercise, minimal overindulgence of drugs and alcohol. But mostly blood sacrifice.

Glynda: How and why?

YN: I'll tell you some day.

Glynda: You don't trust me?

YN: I trust you, I'm just not ready to come face to face with what I've done. When I am ready to deal with my past, I shall tell you of it.

Their dinner comes and their plates from their appetizers are taken away.

Glynda: Fair enough, but since you won't tell me of your past, tell me, how can a Colonel afford such a nice house?

YN: Well, a thousand years of work without spending a penny. I also accumulated some, bonuses throughout my time in the service which provides a great boost to my finances. Also I periodically invested in business, like this one with the Klar family. I also made a fortune in my younger years by writing books and training manuals about my time in the service. I wonder if any are still in use.

Glynda: Well, that makes sense I guess. Investing is important.

YN: It is indeed, anyhow, aside from teaching, what hobbies do you have?

Glynda: Kickboxing.

YN: You do Kickboxing?

Glynda: Indeed I do, it is a great way to stay in shape. I also ride my bicycle and do yoga.

YN: Impressive hobbies.

Glynda: Thanks, so what do you do during your time off? What hobbies do you have?

YN: I go hunting from time to time. I also do birdwatching and I used to ride horses. I also collect cars.

Glynda: Like toy cars?

YN: Nah, classic cars.

Glynda: You collect classic cars?

YN: I sure do. It's great fun.

Glynda: What do you do with them?

YN: I get them, restore them, and then rent them out to museums and the like. It's a hobby that pays for itself. And after all, that's the best kind. I was thinking of getting into supercars but I don't have enough space in my workshop.

Glynda: So how many cars do you have?

I've got a two or three dozen.

Glynda: HOW? Where do you keep them all?

YN: In my Garage.

Glynda: I've seen your garage and it'd be a stretch to fit a dozen in there, where do you keep them?

YN: I should have been more specific, in the presentation garage.

Glynda: Where's that?

YN: Underground, there's a driveway that leads to it and a staircase from the house.

Glynda: Why is it underground though?

YN: Because if I had my car gallery above ground it would ruin the view from the living room, plus I am planning to get a horse or two and stables so I'd need a fair bit of room.

Glynda: I think that was the Richest sentence you have ever said.

YN: I believe it is.

The waitress takes away their dinner plates once they are both done and brings them their dessert. A sliced raspberry tart courtesy of William.

YN: Would you like to see some of my cars when we get back?

Glynda: Yes please, it would be a treat indeed.

Glynda and YN quickly finish their tart and then YN pays the bill and then they walk to the car and set off for home, as fiancés.

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