A call with Willow

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YN and Coco returned to his ranch with Johanas and the fabrics and YN goes into his study and gets some paperwork done in regards to the exposition and as such, he is working on military theories that could be considered novel and some others which are basic adaptations of current doctrine.

YN remains at his desk for a few hours before the telephone rings and, as one does, he picks it up.

YN: LN family residence, Colonel LN speaking.

Willow: YN, I got your letter, we'd be honored to have you and your family as our guests, at a dinner party, but I would personally like to extend an invitation to you and your family to stay with us for the duration of the exposition.

YN: I would be honored, but I hope I won't offend if I say that I'll be staying at the same hotel as my students so that they may benefit from my experience and so that I may keep them in line.

Willow: A good a reason as any. Well, the offer still stands. Oh, Winter wants to spend some time with you while you're here, do you think you could make some time for her outside of the exposition?

YN: For one of my favorite daughters, I'll make the time. I haven't seen as much of her as I would have liked as of late, so let's rectify that.

Willow, She'll be glad to hear it. Also, have you told Weiss?

YN: That I'm her father? Not yet. But don't worry, she'll be coming with me to the exposition as one of my students. As for telling her, I was thinking it would be best to do it when we were together so we can answer the questions that are bound to come up.

Willow: That makes sense. It would be best that we get on top of it before she worries. But there is a slight issue, Whitley heard me mentioning you at the dinner table, he would like to meet you.

YN: I've heard a fair bit about him from Weiss, are the things that I've heard about him true?

Willow: I would I imagine that they are true. He is not the best son, hell, he's barely a good kid, but he is a smart kid, and I think you'll like him.

YN: Well, as the old saying goes, bad people make interesting company. And if you'd like, I can try to make him less of a disappointment.

Willow: You have my permission to try, but don't expect to get anywhere with him. He can be pretty stubborn.

YN: good to know, anyway, see you in two weeks for the exposition.

Willow: See you then.

YN then hangs up the phone and goes to find  Glynda.

YN: Darling, how are you doing?

Glynda: I just got Michael to sleep, he looks so cute swaddled in that blanket.

YN: We made a beautiful child together.

The two then walk over to YN's study and sit down on the couch.

YN: Willow invited us over for dinner at Schnee Manor during the exposition, I hope I didn't presume when I said that we'd visit.

Glynda frowns

Glynda: I understand that there is nothing between the two of you now, but it feels awkward going to your ex's house for dinner.

YN: I won't lie to you, I loved her, but we both knew that it wouldn't work out, so we decided to become friends. I understand that it would be a bit uncomfortable for you, seeing as two of my daughters would be there as well.

Glynda: Winter and Weiss?

YN: Yes, in a way, you are their step mother.

Glynda smiles

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