A field trip

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YN was sitting in his office with papers and maps strewn upon his desk when he hears a knock on the door.

YN: Come in.

The door opens and Weiss comes inside.

YN: Weiss, how have you been?

Weiss: I've been well, but I have a question about an assignment that you gave out during the last class.

YN: Hm?

Weiss: What is this section on how would I react to a spontaneous military assignment and arbitrary deadlines?

YN: Well, one part of being an officer is accepting and making the best possible situation of brand new assignments and that some superior officers and politicians would provide deadlines as to when the mission needs to be completed by.

Weiss: In that regards, I have dealt with some level of spontaneity all my life, and as far as people setting unreasonable expectations, I'm not sure if you've met my father or not, but yeah.

YN: Well, wonderful, because I am planning an expedition for the class.

Weiss: Wonderful, where to?

YN: Here, (points at part of map coloured deep red) but we have a problem.

Weiss: Let me guess, it has something to due with the deep red colour?

YN: Indeed, That means that there is a heavy enemy presence. White fang, criminal gangs, and militias. Ten thousand of them. I wonder if Ozpin has cobbled together that force of six hundred. Even that would not be enough. Weiss, how would you like to go on a field trip?

Weiss: I guess it would be interesting. But wait, what about the random deadlines?

YN: Well, I'm getting married to Glynda in four months, so this campaign can only take two months to complete.

Weiss: It'll be intense, but I think it can be done.

YN: Alright, I have to get to work now. I'll see you in class.

Weiss then leaves and YN gets on the phone.

YN: Ozpin I presume that you have the six hundred ready to go.

Ozpin: I do, what do you need them for?

YN: I intend to carry out a small expedition into the red zone.

Ozpin: Is this for the benefit of your class?

YN: Actual combat and command experience is invaluable.

Ozpin: You know that with only six hundred soldiers you won't make a dent in the zone.

YN: That is why I am also going to request six hundred thousand Lien and I will provide six hundred thousand of my own in order to recruit twelve thousand soldiers. I would also like twelve thousand simple uniforms and rifles. I don't care if they are the dregs.

Ozpin: You intend to recruit soldiers for one hundred lien a piece?

YN: Yes, I will also give any survivor of the campaign five hundred lien.

Ozpin: You are willing to throw twelve million lien at this?

YN: Sure (in head)God no, I am expecting fierce fighting with heavy casualties, maybe up to eighty percent. They are going to be under the command of inexperienced officers. However they are going up against bandits and riotous civilians, so it might not be as terrible as it could be. And besides, even if I do have to pay twelve million lien, it's a drop in the bucket compared to the possible prize if it can be captured.

Ozpin: I'll see what I can do, you just have to get the twelve thousand.

YN: Can I request an additional two hundred and fifty thousand Lien for expenses?

Ozpin: You are pushing it.

YN: Despite my skills and abilities I am charging less for my salary than most of the teachers here, I pretty much do this for fun.

Ozpin: Fine.

YN then went back to his class. When the class entered YN announced the trip.

YN: We are all going on a pleasant little expedition, it will be your first taste of real command on the battlefield. You will each have hopefully one thousand and fifty soldiers under your command.

Ren: Two things, do you think that we are ready to command a force of such size and are we to even get these troops?

YN: Ren, don't worry, I have the necessary equipment and we can pick up troops as we go. Now rest up and finish any business that you may have, we move out the day after tomorrow. Also, there is a new field uniform underneath your desks. Wear those instead of the normal uniform. There is also a pistol for you to use. Well, you don't have to use it, but just carry the damn thing. After all officers carry pistols.

They then all go to their dorms and they prepare for their first deployment. They are all nervous but they know that YN is going to be with them and that he will help guide their actions and make sure the campaign is a success.
The six hundred soldiers felt worried because they never saw actual combat, however they have all been well trained and they knew that they would probably be made the NCOs of the campaign.

The twelve thousand were the only lot who weren't worried, but they were stressed. In the stagnant economy of the countryside of Vale, thousands of unemployed had volunteered. The twelve thousand were enlisted with the lucrative bonuses of five hundred Lien at the end of the campaign. There were an additional six thousand soldiers were enlisted at the much lower price of twenty five Lien a piece. They all knew that they weren't getting the best deal but they knew that they wouldn't get a better deal, or work, anywhere else. They got a new uniform, a rifle, a small training manual, and a backpack with mess kit and blanket. They were told that they could keep the uniform and the backpack but they would have to turn in the rifle. There were even rumors that if it all went the way it should the brass might form a standing force and they would have jobs again.

And with this, YN puts his affairs in order, calms down Glynda, and the students pack their bags, because tomorrow they'll board ships and set off.

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