The Exposition

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YN is going over the last details of his uniform and Glynda is preparing to join him.

YN: Would you mind helping me with my sword belt?

Glynda: Of course.

Glynda then helps YN with the shoulder strap of his sword belt, as they are quite annoying to deal with by one's self.

Glynda: Have you been working out?

YN: A little bit, thanks for noticing.

Glynda: You seem bigger, I like it.

YN: I'd usually let my urges get the better of me now, but as we have somewhere to be soon, you'll forgive me for not pinning you down and demonstrating my love for you.

Glynda: Well, I guess you'll owe me that then!

YN smiles and takes her by the arm.

YN: Now let's make a good show of it, after all, it'll be the first time many of our students will have seen this kind of equipment, and more importantly, the first time in several centuries that an armed force under the flag of Vale has been in attendance, it would be a great shame if it didn't go well.

Glynda: Don't worry, your students will be fine, they know what to do.

YN: Thank you, I hope they don't drop the ball on this one.

They then head into the entry hall to the Exposition and are greeted by Winter and a number of students from Atlas Academy.

Winter: (Salutes) Here are passes for the exposition sir, I hope that it will be an enjoyable experience for you.

YN: (Returns the salute) Thank you Specialist Winter. Cadets Rose and Arc, step forward.

Ruby and Jaune then walk to YN.

YN: Here are your team's passes for the events, hand them out and then go on through, have a look around and enjoy yourselves, but be professional about it.

Ruby, Jaune: Sir.

They then take the passes and hand them out before heading through the entrance.

Glynda: Are those students with you?

Winter: They are cadets from Atlas Academy ma'am, they were sent here to study and learn.

YN: I'd be quite keen to know what Atlesian cadet training consists of.

Winter: Cadet Harris.

A cadet then walks up to them.

Winter: Colonel LN has a few questions about your training, please tell him whatever he wants to know.

Cadet Harris nods

YN: Is your training primarily class focused or physically focused?

Harris: Our training primarily focuses on weapons training and combat drills sir.

YN: Any courses devoted solely on tactics? Classroom theory and all that.

Harris: Some sir, but not a great deal.

YN: And are courses on fencing, literature, and humanities taught?

Harris: Not beyond what the regular students would receive, and no one trains with fencing.

YN: Thank you, that is all for now.

Harris: Sir, would you mind if I had my picture taken with you?

YN: Not at all, but why if I might ask?

Harris: Well sir, you are one of the few people who have been awarded all grades of the Noble's Cross, and the only one who is still alive.

YN: Well then, Let's get your picture taken then.

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