Returning home

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Velvet and Coco are in the west drawing room doing their homework when Coco posits an interesting question.

Coco: So, if YN is going to be a dad.

Velvet: He already is a dad, he told me that he has some children.

Coco: Who?

Velvet: I told him I wouldn't tell, anyhow, as you were saying.

Coco, If YN is a dad, does that mean he's a dilf?

Velvet: What?

Coco: A dilf is a dad I'd like to

Velvet: I get what you mean, and I suppose so. Aside from that, did you hear the news?

Coco: What?

Velvet: He bought a ranch, a big one too.

Coco: He does quite well for himself, maybe I should try to hook up with him.

At this point Velvet goes as white as a sheet.

Coco: Why so scared, it's not like Ms Goodwitch is standing behind . . . She's standing behind me isn't she?

Coco is answered by feeling a riding crop glide over her shoulder before being spanked with the aforementioned riding crop.

Glynda: She is indeed, (leans in close) I get why you want to sleep with him, trust me. But you are my student and I've got first dibs on you.

Coco: What do you mean?

Glynda: (chuckles) You know exactly what I mean (whispers in ear) I'm going to make you hurt so much and you'll enjoy every second of it!

Velvet: C-Can you do that?

Glynda: Watch me.

Velvet: I meant-

Glynda: I know what you meant, be careful or I might do that to you too.

Velvet: (hands up) point taken.

At this point Velvet's ears perk up and Johanas, who was sleeping on the couch leaps up and runs to the front door.

Glynda: YN must be coming up the drive.

Glynda then straightens out her skirt and goes to greet YN.

YN: Honey, I'm home!

YN is first greeted by Johanas running up to him and sitting at his feet.

YN: Hey boy, how've you been?

Johanas barks and leans against YN, who then leans down to scratch him behind the ears.

Glynda: He missed you.

YN: And you didn't.

Glynda walks up to YN and leans in close.

Glynda: I never said that I didn't.

YN uses this opportunity to give her a kiss on the lips, which escalates into them making out in the entryway. This goes on for several minutes until both of them are mostly naked.

Ruby: Ms Goodwitch, can you go over this extra credit work you assi. . . (Blushes)

Glynda looks embarrassed and stammers out a response.

Glynda: Uh, yeah, extra credit, we can go over that together in a bit.

YN just looks at Glynda quizzically.

YN: Are you embarrassed? We aren't doing anything we haven't done before.

Glynda: Yeah, but Ruby wasn't there before.

YN: Oh, sorry. (turns to Ruby) Are you feeling left out?

Glynda: That's not the appropriate way to respond to something like that!

YN: What, should I have asked if she wanted to join us?

Glynda: No!

YN then brushes the hair out of Glynda's face and gives her a kiss on the forehead causing her to blush at his gentleness. He then gets off of her and starts to dress. All the while talking to Ruby.

YN: So, what extra credit work were you doing.

Ruby: Umm, I was doing r-research on. . .

YN:Research on what?

Ruby: Well, um, it's more of an essay. . .

YN: Alright, an essay on what?

Ruby: An essay on auras and their healing properties.

It is at this point that YN notices something.

YN: Aren't you supposed to look at someone when you are talking to them.

Ruby: I suppose so.

YN: (leans in) then why aren't you looking at me?

Ruby: Well, because you aren't wearing a shirt.

YN: Oh, I guess I'm not, sorry about that. (Puts on shirt)

Glynda: Sometimes you have the social awareness of a golf ball.

YN: It's not what I'm known for.

Glynda: Ruby, so what did you need help with?

Ruby: I just wanted to turn in my essay.

Glynda: Well, just leave it on my desk and I'll go over it.

Ruby: Thanks.

Ruby then goes to put her essay on Glynda's desk and YN and Glynda finish dressing.

Glynda: It's embarrassing that one of my students caught me in such a position.

YN: Eh, I've been caught in worse.

Glynda: How so?

YN: Well, there was that that one time when the governor caught me with his daughter, I had to jump out of a second story window to escape that one.

Glynda: When was this?!

YN: Around six hundred years ago.

Glynda: Fair enough.

YN: Anyhow, when do you think that you'll come out and see the ranch?

Glynda: Well, it's Thursday today, I suppose we can go and see it over the weekend.

YN: Wonderful, I'm sure that you'll love the place. I even made sure that the place has a good wireless signal so that, closer to the time when we'll be living there you can still work and won't have to worry.

Glynda: Thanks, that's sweet of you.

YN: I have my moments!

Glynda: (looks at watch) It's 6:50, I have to get some work done.

YN: Damn, me too.

Glynda: What do you mean?

YN: I am employed as a teacher, and while my class is only once a week, it is still important that I prepare my materials for it.

Well, sorry about the delay, but a professor needed a twelve page research paper, so yeah, that was fun. My next chapter probably won't take as long to write and review. So, until then, have fun.

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