How everything went

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After YN gets home, he fusses over Glynda for quite a while and they plan their wedding, but while they are doing that, YN is going through the crates of loot that he brought home with him.
It took two weeks of almost constant work but YN finally did it, he cataloged all of the artwork, relics, artefacts, and treasures and he compared them to the original lists. Everything was there, he had his artwork back.

When YN gets back he goes through most of the empty rooms in his house, he plans to fill the empty rooms with the artwork that he "liberated" over the years.

YN knew that he would have some explaining to do as to how it all came into his possession so he had a talk with his tenants, Glynda, RWBY, Velvet, and Coco. He also invited JNPR due to the fact that they often come over to his house.

YN: I've told Weiss this but I haven't told you about all of my past and how I got all this artwork. Just to simplify it, I stole it. Throughout my long years of service I had gone through many a residence and many a museum. The occupants were either dead or gone so I helped myself to the contents. While my soldiers were stealing any money they might find, I was organising all of the art to be shipped home. After all that I had given, I believed, and I still do, that I deserved additional compensation for my time. The treasures were supposed to be shipped home but I was shipping out before them. That is why I had the treasure sealed away in the vault. I must confess that the reason we set off on the campaign was to recapture the contents of the vault.

Pyrrha Ruby: That's wrong! You can't just steal things in time of war. There are rules in place against that!

YN: The rules weren't in place then! It was seized by me and thus, in the eyes of the military, it became my property. And I wanted it back.

Jaune: So you had us lead an expedition for your own benefit!?

YN: Indeed, such a vast treasure would be worth almost any cost. All of the paintings could fill the largest museum three times over. It was worth the high cost that it was bought at. Besides, you all left at least ten thousand Lien richter due to the sale of the ships and other captured vehicles in addition to whatever you could loot.

Ren: Fair point.

Jaune: I'm going to help my parents pay off their mortgage with my share! What are you going to do with yours Ren?

Ren: A new kitchen.

Nora: I'm going to buy some new exercise equipment.

Pyrrha: I'm going to save some of my share and I'll invest the rest.

Yang: Lame, I'm going to go and party!

Weiss: I think Pyrrha is being quite smart with her money.

Blake: I agree.

Weiss: Of course you would say. . . Wait, you agree with me?

Blake: Yeah, financial security is important.

Yang then walks over to Blake and puts her hands on Blake's hips.

Yang: Yeah, but partying is fun too.

Blake: A-anyhow, YN, what are you going to do with your share?

YN: Well, I'm going to use the artwork to decorate my house, and after that, I'm going to go and get a bespoke shooting suit.

Ruby: What's that?

YN: It is a type of formal suit for hunting.

Glynda: I think you'd look lovely in one, although I must be honest, I'm surprised that you don't already own one.

YN: I never really had the time to go hunting, I got into it a little bit when I was a garrison commander, but now I'm planning on doing it again now that I have a country estate. And I've got my shotguns back!

Ruby: But couldn't you have just bought another shotgun?

Yang: Yeah, I mean, they're only a few hundred lien each.

YN: These aren't just some ordinary hunting shotguns. These were made by the finest Atlesian artisans, hand crafted each step of the way, the engraving and gilding alone took ten craftsmen, working on a single shotgun, a week to complete. The stocks are from the finest northern walnut, with silver inlay. Each stock is from a master model of what would fit the shooter perfectly.

Yang: So they cost, what, ten thousand?

YN: Factoring for inflation, one of these shotguns is worth at least a half a million lien, and I own four of them.

Blake: Why?

YN: Why do I own four, or why do I own two million lien in shotguns?

Blake: Both.

YN: The reason as to why I own four of them is that it is considered prudent to have a full brace of shotguns, that being a shooting pair, so that your assistant might load one while you fire the other.

Coco: But that's only two?

YN: The reason I own the other two is because if I need to have one set either maintained or repaired, I wouldn't have to change my plans.

Blake: But why did you spend so much on them?

YN: I was a major when I purchased these, as a field officer it was expected that my weapons befit my rank. Anyhow, I would like a three page report on how the campaign went, in your opinions, on my desk in a week's time.

Yang: I almost wish I didn't go on that adventure since it means that I have to write three pages.

YN: Three pages isn't that much work, besides, you got ten thousand lien out of it, and you got to kill someone, I didn't get to do that, all I got to do was have a rapist hanged, now where's the fun in that. I mean, it's fun, but in the sense that work can be fun, it still feels like a chore even if you are enjoying it.

Ruby: Wait, you wanted to kill someone?

YN: Yeah, wait, did I say that last bit out loud?

Everyone: Yeah.

YN: What I meant to say was, three pages isn't that much work, besides, you got ten thousand lien out of it. Yes, that is all, no killing.

Glynda: Better.

Coco: Ms Goodwitch, you are aware that your fiancé is probably a bit insane.

YN: She is aware and I am seeing a therapist and a coach on how to talk like a normal person.


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