Back in Vale

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YN and Glynda have gathered Michael and Johanas, packed up their belongings and are heading back to Vale with Coco and Velvet. Coco also has her fabrics and projects with her, primarily because she plans to continue at YN's city residence, and maybe get her own workshop in the city.

Back in Vale, Blake has managed to get YN's chair repaired. But even with it being as good as new, her, and the rest of team RWBY are stressing.

Weiss: Everything is fine, right? Please tell me everything is fine. It has to be, right.

Blake: I don't get why you are the one who is worrying, I'm the one who scratched his chair.

Weiss: But you weren't the one YN left in charge. I told him I'd keep the house safe.

Ruby: But you did, the house itself is fine, and everything is as YN left it.

Yang: Minus some of the wine from the cellar.


Yang: Relax, I only drank the wine he told us we could drink, not the really expensive stuff.

Weiss: Oh thank Oum.

At this point they hear the crunch of gravel as YN's car rolls up outside.

Weiss: Quick, let's go help them with their bags.

The four of them rush outside and see YN helping Glynda out of the car, and in her arms, is the infant Michael.

Weiss: Is that your son?

Blake: He's adorable.

Ruby: He's got his mother's hair.

Yang: And his father's eyes.

Glynda: His name is Michael, Michael Goodwitch LN.

Weiss: Michael, it's a wonderful name.

Yang: Who picked the name?

YN: Velvet did.

RWBY: Velvet?

YN: Yes, she helped me deliver him, and as such, she has the honor of being his Godmother.

Ruby: That's a beautiful story.

Weiss: Wait, you didn't go to a hospital, or get a doctor?!

YN: We didn't go to a hospital as there wasn't time, and I am a doctor, so there was a doctor present.

Blake: But have you ever delivered a baby before?

YN: Sort of, I helped a horse deliver a foal, but that more of happens by itself.

Glynda: If you had told me that then I would have hit you.

YN: If you remember correctly, you already hit me then.

Glynda: Well I would have hit you again.

YN: And that's why I didn't mention it.

Glynda: Fair enough.

YN then opens the rear passenger door of his car to reveal a sleeping Johanas.

YN: (whistles) Walkies!

Johanas immediately perks up and hops out of the car and gives a playful bark at YN.

YN: Darling, I've got to walk Johanas, if you wouldn't mind getting Michael acquainted with the nursery that would be wonderful.

Glynda: No problem (kisses YN on the cheek)

YN: Velvet, could you bring my bags up to my room. And Yang, could you help Glynda with hers.

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