The seige

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After the battle the army overran the enemy encampment which was based out of a farm. As expected, there was some looting on all parts, and YN, for the most part, accepted it as part of any battle. However what he didn't accept was when one of the "dregs" raped a civilian who was living at the farm. YN had the entire army, minus the sentries, to parade in the farmyard facing the entryway, which is a wooden framed gate. YN and four soldiers are standing in front of the gate and a man is kneeling in front of him with his arms and legs bound.

YN: As a commander, I am incredibly lenient I ignore most uniformity lapses and leave it up to the company officers, I allow souvenir hunting and controlled pillaging. But there is one crime which I will never permit. This individual has been found guilty of rape.
We are here to make war on the enemy, not the populace. If anyone in this army rapes, they will be punished.

YN then takes the leather glove off his right hand and snapped his fingers. On this signal two of the soldiers standing next to YN throw a rope over the wooden gate and the other two bring the tied up man to his feet.

YN: Private Ivan Ivanovich, you have been found guilty of the crime of rape. The sentence is death, you are to be hanged by the neck until you expire. May Oum have mercy on your soul.

The soldiers then tie the rope around his neck and then pull the rope tight. The man is hoisted into the air as he thrashes like a fish out of water.

Ruby: (in head) I know that what he did was wrong, but is this justified?

Yang: (in head) He deserves punishment, but this isn't right.

Weiss: (in head) Discipline is important, I'm glad YN is taking the gloves off for this.

Blake: (in head) In the White Fang we just shot rapists, this seems unnecessarily cruel.

The others all think some variation of the thoughts that team RWBY had.

The man finally stops thrashing and the soldiers tie a sign around the hanged man's neck

"I am a rapist"

YN then nodded at the four soldiers and put his glove back on.

YN: I believe what I have said today is clear, I do not like repeating myself, and if I have to do so, it will be far more painful for you than it will be for me.

YN then walks over to his staff car but on his way, he's interrupted by Ruby.

Ruby: Why did you do that?!

YN: It is not your place to question a superior officer.

Ruby: But you killed that man.

YN: I have sent a message and restored discipline.

Ruby: But.

YN: But nothing, have you ever seen what happens when an army breaks down?

Ruby: N-no.

YN: I have seen it once. I will never allow it to happen again.

YN then gets into his staff car with Weiss and Jaune conversing over the current strategy for the encirclement and siege of the city and the capture of the hidden vault. They have gone across the peninsula from Pyritva to Olikyirsk. They marched across the peninsula instead of launching a naval assault because they feared that they would lose too many troops in the initial naval assault to effectively capture the city.

YN: I feel that we should construct a ring of trenches and earthworks around the city and construct siege engines to pound them into submission in addition to some of the captured guns.

Weiss: However due to the fact that the city lies on an ocean I would recommend that we commandeer the local watercraft and use it to establish a naval blockade. We could use the captured guns from the previous fort.

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