A day at work

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Glynda is sitting at her desk at Beacon when someone unexpected strolls in.

Peach: Hey Glynda, how've you been?!

Glynda: I've been great! So, you're back from your sabbatical in Atlas?

Peach: Yeah, it's always nice to have a break from teaching. They have done so much with dust! You wouldn't believe how many uses it has now. This blush that I'm wearing, it uses fire dust to give it that radiant shine! And they've even made a refrigerator that uses ice dust instead of electricity! By the way I bought you something, close your eyes.

Glynda closes her eyes and Peach puts a small snow globe with a mini Atlas inside.

Glynda: (picks it up) Oh it's wonderful.

Peach: Speaking of wonderful, nice ring.

Glynda: Oh, my fiancé gave it to me, it's my engagement ring.

Peach: Ooh, who's the lucky guy?

Glynda: His name is YN, I've known him for six months now.

Peach: Six months, he moves fast.

Glynda: Yeah, but I'm not sure if it's him or me that moves quickly.

Peach: So what does he do for a living?

Glynda: He's done a bit of everything, he told me that he is involved in banking and finance, he owns a ranch, and he served in the army as an officer.

Peach: Impressive, now, here's the big question, how does he look? Is he handsome?

Glynda: Here's a picture.

Peach: He's handsome, he's got a gentlemanly look to him, and kind eyes. And he looks good in that outfit.

Glynda: Careful, I don't want to have to worry about you stealing him.

Peach: While he looks wonderful, he's not my type. I like them a bit more rugged and grungy looking. And for all the good you've told me about him, he's not grungy.

Glynda: No, he most certainly isn't. I mean, he spends twenty minutes polishing and caring for his boots every Sunday. He's rather pedantic about that sort of thing. He's a very sweet man, but he always seems to try too hard.

Peach: He sounds like too much of a nitpicker to be my type.

Glynda: Then my relationship is safe.

Peach: I'd still like to meet him though, just to make sure that he's treating my best friend properly.

Glynda: He is, but I'm sure we can have you round for tea.

Peach: That'd be nice, I could do tonight if that works?

Glynda: That'd be wonderful! I will let you know that YN always dresses formally, so don't feel that you have to dress formally too.

Peach then goes to her office and settles back into her work while Glynda continues on with hers.

Glynda: How does she think that that's an appropriate answer? Not everything can be solved with breaking legs. She'll get a C for that.

She then grades other papers until lunchtime. She wouldn't have stopped if it wasn't for another visitor.

YN: Darling, I've brought lunch for us!

Glynda: What, why?

YN: Because I love you.

Glynda: Thank you, but where are we going to have lunch, my office is far too small.

YN: let's have lunch on the green, I brought a picnic basket.

Glynda: I can't, I've got work to do.

YN: Tell you what, I've already finished my work, I'll help you with yours after lunch.

Glynda: Alright, let's go.

The two of them then walk over to the grassy area around Beacon and YN sets out a picnic blanket.

Glynda: Romantic.

YN then prepares bread and cheeses for Glynda, much to her enjoyment.

Glynda: Jarlsberg, my favorite.

YN: Then allow me to feed you.

YN then picks up a little cube of cheese and brings it to her lips.

Glynda: What would the students say if they saw this?

YN: The reaction would probably depend on the student. (Leans in and whispers) I'd be intrigued to know what Blake would have to say.

Glynda: (whispers) Why?

YN: (whispers) Because she's watching from behind that wall.

Glynda: (whispers and smirks) Then let's give her a bit of a show.

Glynda then takes the piece of cheese from YN's fingers with her lips, lingering on his fingers for a little longer than usual. Glynda then feeds grapes to YN, one by one. All the while, the two of them are enjoying mineral water.

Their lunch lasts for an hour or so, by the end of which, Blake is only barely able to prevent herself from getting a nosebleed. However that is changed when, as YN and Glynda are heading back to their offices, he gives her a passionate kiss on the lips.

YN: She's got a nosebleed now, ask her about that in class.

Glynda: I'll mess with her a bit. Oh, a friend of mine wants to meet you, I said we could have her over for tea and cakes.

YN: Why not, It'd be nice to meet some of your friends. I can have a selection of cakes delivered to the house, and for the teas, which type do you think she'd like?

Glynda: I think that she'd like black tea.

YN: Alright, I'll have Velvet make a pot when we have your friend over, and I'll have Coco get the cakes.

Glynda: Why them?

YN: Because they looks the best in a maid uniform.

Glynda: Indeed, Coco really went above and beyond when she designed those uniforms.

YN: So, I'll call the house, and tell them to get everything in order for the meeting tonight.

Glynda: Thanks!

The two of them then go, hand in hand, back to Glynda's office and finish grading the papers.

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