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3rd Person POV:
It was the day after Gonta's execution. Everyone met in the dinning hall for breakfast. Talking amongst everyone except Kokichi who just observed everyone else quietly eating.

Everyone was mad at him for tricking Gonta. And he didn't blame him. He just had to keep his mask on for a little longer.

He just needs to find evidence of who the mastermind is. Then everything would be fine. He didn't like using this mask. It makes him seem like a heartless bastard.

He cleaned up his food and went to his room. Going to a whiteboard with a list of potential evidence and culprits. He automatically ruled Shuichi off the list.

Kokichi had decided to place some trust that Shuichi wasn't the mastermind. He had a solid lead to investigate that afternoon however.

Authors note: I know the prologue was short, I didn't want to get to far into it. Chapter one should hopefully be coming soon for anyone interested.

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