Chapter 12:

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Kokichi POV:

Shit! I've been caught! This isn't gonna end well... The knife was yanked out of my hand and tossed to the other side of the room. God damnit!

"Care to explain what you were doing?"

His voice was demanding. Scary. I couldn't say anything. No matter how much I wanted to. I couldn't bring myself too. I can't believe I'm admitting this but I was too scared to say anything.

I couldn't help it. I could feel hot steamy tears run down my face... how was I supposed to get out of this!? Exactly! I couldn't! It wasn't possible for me too!

I heard a sigh come from above me. Then I could no longer feel a hand pushing my head into the flooring. I was picked up. And I didn't even try to stop it anymore. Where was the point? There isn't one. There's no way I can save Akane. No matter how much I try. It's all useless!

Cursed this and this damn building... The next thing I knew I was in Shumai's lap and he was hugging me tightly. I don't even know if I should call him that anymore... he'll never be the Shumai I know again.

My right arm was just dangling there. No matter how much I tried I wasn't able to move it and the stinging pain wouldn't go away.

I finally hugged him back. I couldn't deal with all this... it's too much... from the fact that I can't feel my arm to the despair knowing Akane's gonna die, to the confusion asking myself how I somehow loved this psychopath. And I'm still questioning if I do or not!

Maybe I'm just a psychopath! God, I don't know anything anymore! What's real and what's not! I couldn't take it anymore..! I'm gonna be driven insane if this doesn't stop! But of course... that's what he wants. He wants me to be driven insane. So I'll join him!

Maybe I should just give up? Yeah... I mean it's not like I've got much reasoning to go the other way. But joining him... there are too many reasons to say it's a bad idea. Maybe I should actually start being useful instead of just being a burden.

Starting by getting rid of her... I can't stand knowing she'll die any second now. I need to do it before she kills someone and gets a worse death. But I should probably get a working arm first. Until then maybe I should just... I yawned. sleep...

My eyes slowly drifted shut. Everything went black, and I entered the dream realm.

Shuichi POV:

This is probably the only time I'm ever gonna be grateful for that stupid glare at my desk. If it wasn't for that I wouldn't have been able to see him in time. And I don't think I want this to end yet.

Wait a minute- did he just fall asleep? In a circumstance like this? Does he have a superpower or something?

He's adorable when he's sleeping..! Even cuter in person! He's just like a sleeping bird! Caged up with nowhere to go! It's adorable! It makes me just wann-! No! Bad Saihara! I can't do anything to him just yet.

I stood up shaking away the thought and laying him down on the bed. I went and got some things to take care of his arm. This needs to be healed soon as possible. I didn't mean to break it... But guess a lot of things happen that we don't have control over.

As soon as I tended his arm I went to finish my work from before. Eh, I'll give them like 2-3 days before I throw in the first motive. Don't want to rush things now, do we! I wouldn't be shocked if Kokichi was planning someone's death... we'd have to blame it on someone else. Can't have my beloved executed.

I mean since I'm the ultimate detective as long as I have proof I had nothing to do with the murder everyone should believe me. I should try and figure out an excuse about his arm, however... I shut my laptop and sat there on my chair.

Eh if they ask I can just say it's none of their business. I stood up and went and laid down on the bed. Turning to my side quickly fell asleep. Today was a rough day...
I felt myself being dragged back into reality. I opened my eyes and-!

"Kokichi!?" I asked staring at the sight in front of me. It gave back to many memories.

Kokichi was right above me. As soon as he saw me a giant smile appeared on his face.

"Goodmorning sleepyheaddddd~!" He practically sang. He then got off me and started giggling. I sat up slowly staring at him. Something happened. No way he just naturally had a change this big overnight. He forcefully changed his personality. This is interesting.

He then grabbed my wrist and lead me out of the secret room and to the dining hall. Everyone was looking at us as soon as we entered. I think he was a bit annoyed by this. Or maybe he was faking it. He seemed to be back to his 'normal self. 

"Hey! Why are you guys staring at us!" He yelled annoyed and suddenly everyone went back to eating. We got our food and we sat down at the main table. He was sitting by Akane and me of course. And I was sitting by him and Arata. Heh... this should be fun.

All everyone did was talk about leads and how they want to get out. 

Kokichi POV:

Everyone was just talking about leads on how to get out. I stayed silent for the majority. It's useless trying to get out! Haven't they realized they're all gonna die here? Idiots!

Chikaki was the only one who seemed to realize we were gonna remain trapped here. Wait... she studies the paranormal right? Does that mean she can connect with the spiritual world?! I'll have to talk to her about it after breakfast! This might be my chance to talk to everyone again!

After we were done eating I told Shumai I was going to hang out with Chikaki for a bit. She reminded me of mom- I mean Kirumi. She was really just here to keep everyone from breaking into fights. And she was good at it too.

He just nodded. I went over to her and asked if I could talk to her about something she complied and we went to hang out outside. As soon as we got outside my smile dropped.

"You study the paranormal right?" I swiftly asked she just nodded. "Indeed. And while we're on the topic... I've noticed a strong paranormal presence in the area."

(Hoi! Sorry this is really late- I've been at my dad's house and he's a bitch! Anyways I'll be uploading once a day on Mondays, Tuesdays, And every other Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Hopefully at least. Court hasn't been fun)

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