Chapter 8:

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Hey- Sorry for leaving you guys on a cliffhanger last time- lol Im not.

Kokichi POV:

I guess that one complaint was all it took for him to snap.

He had pinned me down on the bed again. I shrunk back a bit in fear. His eyes were glowing a bright pink. "Well maybe if you weren't such a arrogant bitch you wouldn't try running away from me! And I wouldn't have to put a fucking collar on you!" He had angrily said raising his voice. His words stung.

He was right. Everything that happens to me or anyone around me... I haven't noticed but everything is always my fault in some way. If I wasn't so selfish Maki, Tsumugi, and Kaito wouldn't have died! If I wasn't so stupid I wouldn't be in this mess! If I had already learnt my lesson about trusting people I wouldn't have ran into Shuichi that day and get taken as a fucking slave!

If I wasn't so stupid I would be dead right now! I was trying my best not to cry. It was hard. But it would be worth it... Hopefully. I felt a sting on my cheek. Shuichi had slapped me... I put my hand on my face over the slap mark. Laying there. Shocked.

He had flipped back over beside me falling asleep. It took me a moment but I stood up. I need to get out of here... I NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE! I went to run but was stopped by the collar around my neck keeping me around the bed. I couldn't move far. I winced in pain while I was drug back falling backwards by my neck.

I shot back up to my feet. And tried again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again.

I hadn't noticed but I had been at this for hours. I could no longer run. I was exhausted. And my neck hurt.... I kept trying though. Until eventually. 

I hadn't noticed but I guess that Shuichi had woken up and saw what I was doing. "Kokichi! Stop it!" I heard him yell from behind me. I fell backwards once more. Wincing again. I was about to stand up when I felt some ones hand grab the back of my shirt and pull me back down.

Now I was laying down. I saw Shuichi's face above mine. His eyes were glowing red now... "Stay still." He demanded. I did as instructed staying still now. He put his hands around my neck. I yelped trying to get his hands off. But he wouldn't budge. "Don't make me get out the hand cuffs" he threatened. I immediately stopped and returned my hands to my sides. 

And to my surprise he took the collar off. Just staring at my neck. No kind of expression on his face. Just blank nothingness. There was no sign of emotion on his face whatsoever. "How long have you been doing this?" He asked moving his gaze from my neck to my eyes.

"S-Since you went to sleep last night..." I said. He looked back at my neck. What was so shocking about it? I mean it isn't like I could see it so I had no idea. And I couldn't tell anything from his expression either.

"So that explains this..." He said pausing at the end. Then lightly poking my neck. I winced as a reaction. "You managed to bruise your neck pretty badly..." he tossed that dreaded collar and leash on the bed. If I'm being honest I wasn't shocked. It hurt like hell...

"Stay here." He demanded. I apparently was not going to mess with Shuichi today. He seemed like if anyone even slightly offended him, he wouldn't hesitate to rip them limb from limb. I stood up and went to get something from the... bathroom?

I sat up and leaned against the bed. A few minutes later he came back out holding a first aid kit. Does he think I'm dying or something? He sat down in front of me He sat the red and white box to his side, opened it and took out a few things. A rag, some bandages, and what looked to be some type of cream.

He put the cream on the rag and put the bottle back inside the box. I really don't think I should trust Shuichi's medical skills, pretty sure he specializes in killing people so maybe this isn't a good idea.

Welp, kinda don't have a choice. He gently grabbed my chin and lifted it up so now I could only look at the ceiling. I didn't say anything. He didn't say anything. The only noise was the ceiling fan. 

Until finally after what felt like 5 minutes he said something. "This is gonna feel a bit cold." He warned. Then he began wiping down my neck with the rag. SHIT! IT WAS FREEZING! I shivered a bit but soon he was finished. Then he just wrapped my neck in the bandages. 

I moved my head back down. Seeing him slide the box under the bed. Then we just stared at each other. 

"Now do you care to explain why you kept trying to run away from me?" He asked. Being honest he sounded angry. I didn't answer until he repeated the question. "It's because now your a whole different person! I miss the old Shumai! Now your just scary and serious!" I said raising my voice. I noticed his eye started twitch. He sighed.

I turned my head to the side bracing for whatever he might do next. To my surprise he just stood up. "Go do whatever you want, I need some things I need to do"

I looked up at him and noticed he walked to his study area. I smiled, stood up, and raced out of the room towards the dining hall. I guess with the past events I've been forgetting to eat and haven't noticed how hungry I was. And oh my god! PANTA!!!

Whenever I reached the dining hall I quickly ate. My gosh food tasted so good! Guess I really have been forgetting to eat. After I ate I cleaned up everything. "Hey Maki do y-" I looked at the center table and saw no one sitting there. Oh right. Guess she's dead...

I really need to get used to only me and Shumai here... I felt... lonely. The only other person here was a evil mastermind trying to get children to kill each other. Not to mention he was a fucking physco!

Oh right... he's probably hungry too. And I don't want to get on his bad side. I went into the kitchen and grabbed some waffles, along with some blueberries and a glass of water. I walked into the room that really isn't a secret so more. And saw that the room to his office was closed. I sighed and knocked. 

"Shumai? Can I come in?" I asked. "Oh! Yeah come on in Kokichi!" He yelled from inside. I just opened the door to see him typing on his laptop. I walked over to his desk. "I got you some breakfast!" I said smiling and placing the plate on his desk. 

He spun his chair around looking at me. He seemed shocked. But he smiled back. Now this was the Shumai I loved! The Shumai that wouldn't hurt anyone, the shumai that wasn't so serious. I slightly blushed. Not enough that it was noticeable however.

"Thank you Kokichi" He said taking a bite and spun back around to his laptop. I just went over and plopped on the couch.

"So what now?"

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