Chapter 1:

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Can we just have a moment to appreciate the picture above? I have no idea who made it but it's too accurate for me to handle.

Kokichi POV

I looked at my evidence trying to think this through. If I'm correct however there should be a secret doorway in the library.

I need to investigate that as soon as possible.

I left my dorm room and headed towards the library. Yes! No one was in there. I should be fine to check now.

I went over to a specific bookshelf and pulled out all the books one by one till I found a button behind one of them.

I smiled internally and pressed it. The bookcase moved to the side revealing a long hallway that lead who knows where.

I shook my head and walked into the dark hallway. Have to admit I was scared. I have no idea what's at the end of this hallway I could die for all I know!

I finally reached a room. With tv monitors that looked to be hooked up to the camera. I didn't pay much attention to them as I looked around and found a... diary? I heard footsteps coming from my left.

Without thinking I grabbed the book and bolted out down the hallway running as fast as I could to my own dorm room.

Whenever I got into my room I was breathing heavily. I slumped against the door holding the diary in my hand.

That was to close! Atleast I got a key part of evidence-

Before I could open the book I heard a knock on my door.

I put the book in my nightstand drawer and swiftly answered it. Putting on a fake smile as I answered the door.

I need to keep this mask on no matter the cost!

"Oh! Shumai! I was just about to come find you" I lied looking at him.

"H-Hey Kokichi, m-may I come in?" I nodded and moved out of the way letting him come in. He shut the door behind him.

I went and plopped on the bed with him beside me. "Sooo what did you need me for?" I asked curious. It was hard to tell but I think a light blush appeared on his cheeks.

Oh mah god my beloved loves me back! He shook his head. "I know you've been trying to find out who the mastermind is" he began. "Do you have any suspicions?" He asked finishing his thought.

"Actually... I do have quite a few suspicions on Tsumugi! Here I'll show you!" I grabbed his wrist and dragged him over to my whiteboard.

I managed to see him smile looking at it. "This is really good evidence Kokichi" he said patting my head. I just smiled again.

"We'll of course it is stupid head!" I said raising my voice a bit pouting looking away from him.

He just chuckled at me. I looked to the side and could've swarm for a split second I saw his eyes glow red and a giant smirk on his face.

I shook the thought and looked back at him and he looked like normal Shuichi. It was probably just a hallucination. All this mastermind stuff is starting to get to me.

I went back over to my bed and flopped on my back. "Seems like sadly the killing games ending soon..." I said pretending to be sad. In reality I was the exact opposite. Happy. Possibly too happy.

"We'll have you found any other evidence recently?" He asked sitting next to me. I myself sat up and smiled. "Actually" I pulled the book out from my nightstand watching his eyes widen.

"I found this, I think it belongs to the mastermind. I haven't read it yet though" I said looking at the front cover.

I glanced at him and saw his eyes a bright red with a dull expression on his face. I quickly looked away and looked back. It was the same thing.

I shook my head and looked up and him. "Hey Saihara-Chan wanna read it together?" I questioned looking him straight in the eye. He can't be the mastermind.

What I just saw were only hallucinations! They've gotta be! He looked like his shy self right away. No one can change expressions that quickly!

"Of course, how about I come by at 10pm?" He asked. That's strange. Why would he come by at night time?

"Alright, cya then Mr.Detective!" I waved at him as he exited the room I went to shut the door from behind him.

I have to go back to the hideout. As soon as possible. There may be some evidence I missed. I need to be careful though.

And with that I returned the book to my nightstand and walked right out my door. Heading to the library. I made sure no one was there.

I went back to the bookshelf and removed the book pressing the button. Watching open as I questioned my actions. Should I really be doing this..? I shook the thought. Of course I should!

And with that I walked inside. I soon reached the monitor room. And managed to find a splash of pink. I picked it up and it turned out to be a... shot put ball. A shot put ball covered in blood.

So Kaede... didn't kill Rantaro? Ugh! This is so confusing! I looked at the monitors and found everyone but one person. Shuichi.

So he is the mastermind!? And he's in here with m-

My thought were swiftly cut off. My blood ran cold. Someone had their hand on my shoulder.

As a instinct I turned around quickly kicking him in the stomach as hard as I could. It was the scariest I've ever seen him. He had a rather mad expression on his face. His eyes were glowing bright red.

After I kicked him I tried to run away. I got so close to the beginning of the hallway before he grabbed my wrist.

I screamed but he threw a hand over my mouth. He slammed me backwards into the desk I winced a bit closing my eyes but when I reopened them.

All I could see was Shuichi pinning me to the desk with a large smirk on his face.

Mastermind. (Mastermind Shuichi x Kokichi)Where stories live. Discover now