Chapter 9:

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Kokichi POV:

"So what now?"

I asked watching Shuichi's chair spin around. "Well we aren't leaving the campus for 1" He said. I drooped my head down. God damnit. "2, we're gonna get some trusty Monokumas to kidnap some certain people"

I lifted my head up tilting it to the side in confusion. "So we're starting another killing game..?" I asked. God damnit! Not another one! I can't! There's no way my I can with my mental state like this!

"yeah. What else would we do? Don't worry though, there's no way you can die in this one. I'm staying with you the entire time." He said. I think he was trying to calm me down a bit. I just nodded my head slowly and sighed.

I don't think he wants me to break just yet. I laid down on the couch. Slowly falling asleep. I didn't really sleep last night. Like at all. And I was tired.







The next week went by almost the exact same way. Just Shumai working on preparations for the new killing game to begin. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. Of course I wouldn't! Only a fool would be nervous...

Me and Shumai were hanging out in the main hallway. He hadn't told me anything about the other people competing. Just that there were 14 people. Not including us.

Then we saw a girl approach us. She had long blonde hair. Pale skin, and pink eyes. She looked to be around 5'4 She was wearing  a light purple skit with a black turtleneck sweater. "Um... hello! Do you happen to know where I am?" She asked. (So just because I can't draw worth shit, but I still want to give you a visual. Sooo Ima give you a gacha character of what she looks like)

 Sooo Ima give you a gacha character of what she looks like)

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"I-I'm sorry... unfortunately I d-do not." Shuichi said. I just stayed silent looking at the floor. She reminded me too much of Kaede... She asked our names. Apparently her name was Miyoko Inari. She was the ultimate actor. Me and Shumai introduced ourselves as well.

Then we heard an announcement over the intercom. Of course we knew it was Monokuma's voice. Miyoko looked shocked though.  We were all supposed to meet in the gym.

Whenever we entered we saw 13 other students flooding into the gym. We all went ahead and introduced ourselves. Firstly there was a girl named 'Hoshi Ari'. She looked to be about 5'6. (Providing a visual)

 (Providing a visual)

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