Chapter 7:

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So- About my doctors appointment- I tested Negative for Strep, Flu, and Covid, soooo I have no idea what's wrong with me. But their treating me for strep. So I should hopefully be fine. Anyways enough BS

Shuichi POV:

I noticed Kokichi fell asleep. Now we were just sitting there. I was just watching him sleep. Eh kind of creepy when you think about it. I should start preparations for the next killing game soon... But for now it's probably best me and this grape go to sleep.

I'm surprised he fell asleep so soon in my arms. Even after I stabbed his hand- oh yeah. Should probably bandage that up. I carefully sat Kokichi on the bed. He shifted a bit getting comfortable but didn't wake up. I sighed in relief.

Couldn't have my beloved waking up! He needs his rest after what happened today. I Went ahead and bandaged his hand. 

There. Now it's like I never stabbed him!

I yawned and got into bed. Falling asleep shortly afterwards. Well'


Kokichi POV:

I must have been having another nightmare again. It was about Shuichi this time... I don't even want to explain it. I had woken up a minute before covered in sweat. Now I was just laying there frozen.

I shifted to the side and saw Saihara-chan asleep next to me. I shifted backwards a bit but fell of the bad. "SHIT!" I yelled quickly covering my mouth with my hands afterwards. Seeing Shuichi turn to the side opening his eyes. 

"Kokichi?! Are you okay?!" He asked frantically sitting up. Weird now he was acting like he cared. Or maybe he did...  just had a messed up way of showing it. He offered me a hand up. I didn't accept it. Instead I stood up and rushed out of the room starting to cry. 

I couldn't get that nightmare out of my head. I heard foot steps chasing after me. I ran to the one place in this damned building I felt slightly safe. My dorm. I locked it and sat on my bed curling up in a blanket sobbing. 

I heard the door rattle then an unlocking sound. Shit right he has a masters key. He an get into any room no problem. He opened the door and peeked his head in before fully opening it.

This was terrifying to me. Just simply because of the awful vision I still had in my head. He slowly started walking towards me keeping his 2 hands up. I scooted back against the bed frame. "D-Don't come closer to me!"  I raised my voice a bit watching him immediately stop in his tracks.

His arms were still up in the air. "Kokichi calm down..." said Shumai. I guess he was trying to get near me so he could calm me down easier and take me back so we could fall asleep. I heard him mutter something before he put his hands back to his sides and walked towards me. 

Whenever he was about 6 feet away from me I started screaming "NO!" Over and over again. He rushed towards me jumping on the bed and gently grabbing my chin lifting it up so we were staring at each other in a eyelock. 

I was still screaming until... he hugged me?! I paused for a minute. No longer screaming. No longer moving. Just sitting there. After a good 5 minutes, I hugged him back sobbing into his shoulder. I knew that I could trust this side of Shuichi. Really as long as I didn't offend him, or break our deal he was the same Shumai I knew... and... kind of loved... I don't know how I feel about him anymore. 

All I know is that this was the best hug I've had in awhile... Mainly because I can't remember the last time I had a hug like this. I felt safe. Like nothing would hurt me. Like he cared about me. Like everything would be alright.

After a few minutes he asked. "Now... care to explain why your like this?" I stayed silent for a minute. Now I had calmed down more. I was still crying though. God I hated crying. It sucks to deal with the stupid water.

"I-I had a nightmare w-where yo-..." I stopped midway replaying the evil dream in my head. I didn't want to explain it. I didn't want to remember it. I wanted to forget it!

"Where I what?" He asked. I couldn't see his face. But I could almost feel his glare on the back of head. I shivered a bit. "I-I don't want to e-explain it..." I explained wiping my eyes with my sleeve.

I heard a frustrated sigh come from him. I guess he himself was trying to remain calm so he wouldn't lash out on me. I started slightly shaking. Damnit I'm a coward. I for some reason am starting to miss my stupid mask. I wonder how things would have differed if I put it on.

I can't really put it on when it's just me and Shumai or else he'll get mad. "Let's go back to sleep..." He stated. He was about to pick me up. I started squirming trying to get out of his grip whenever he did. He stopped. "Kokichi we're going to bed" He said starting to get angry again.

"I know... but I can walk y'know" I said about to get up but he stopped me. "You're not running away again. Hold on. I knew I should have just kept this on you" He said before reaching into one of the bigger pockets of his shirt and pulled out... a collar? Is that the thing I felt on my neck earlier?

I was purple with black spikes. I meannn at least Shumai had good styleeeee... Before I could react however it was already cupped on my neck. I didn't realize it but he took off my scarf now and set it on the bed beside us.

He clipped what seemed to be a leash on the collar and grabbed the end. I finally processed what happened. "Hey! What's this for!" I said pulling at the collar on my neck. He smacked my hand away from it. I quickly retracted it back rubbing it with my other hand.

"So you can't run off anymore. I'm getting sick of you doing that." He had stated. His voice went from the comforting soothing voice, to the emotionless one maybe a bit too fast. Now this was the Shumai I didn't like as much...

He stood up and we walked back to the room. The whole way there I just whined about how I hated this dumb thing. Hearing him let out a few huffs of anger on the way. Whenever we got there he tied the end of the leash he was hanging onto to the bed frame. God damnit. And I suck at untying knots...

He laid down on the bed getting under the covers. I looked at the clock. Damn- it really 4:30 am. I I got into the bed itching my neck. This fucking collar thingy was uncomfortable! I poked Shumai who was trying to fall asleep. "what?" He grumbled. 

"This collars itchyyy!" I complained. I think that was something I probably should not have said. I think all I did by saying this was make him even more angry then he was before. Causing him to snap...

Okay- I know yall gonna hate me for this- but cliffhanger! Anyways, I found out my girl friend has a ear infection. And yes. I'm pansexual. Leave meh alone. And I get to go to court tomorrow! yAY!

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