Chapter 10:

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Shuichi POV:

Well this sure will be interesting! After all that is how Kokichi wanted it. I noticed Akane started to cry. Kokichi just stared at her. I wonder how it'll make him feel when she dies. Maybe then he can truly be a second mastermind! Once he's experienced true despair!

I smiled at the thought. I had to make my face look shocked to avoid suspicion. "Ouma!" Akane smiled running up and hugging him. Wow I wonder how she got put in Juve. She seems too innocent for that. Guess that's what happens when you hang out with Kokichi.

"K-Kokichi you know her?" I asked. I need to keep this role up. It'll be fun to see his reaction later! Whenever we're alone it sure will be interesting. He just shot me a glare at that question and hugged her tightly after looking back at her. 

"H-Hey Akane" Kokichi said smiling and hugging his 'sister' tightly. A few seconds later I gave a thumbs up to a camera. And then Monokuma appeared. 

"Hello everyone! And welcome to the academy for gifted Juveniles! I will be your headmaster this year. And no. I am not a build a bear reject. My name is Monokuma!" 

Kokichi POV:

Oh come on! Can't I just enjoy 1 fucking moment! I stuck my tongue out at him. Shumai gave a glare making me instantly retract it back and actually pay attention. It was just the same boring old bull shit.

Explaining everything. I saw Akanes expression change to fear whenever he mentioned this killing game bullshit. I just hugged her again. We all heard laughter from somewhere in the gym. Whenever we looked we saw Mizuki laughing. (If you don't remember Mizuki's the Ultimate Clown).

"HA! WOW! SUCH A FUNNY JOKE!" She yelled laughing probably a bit too much. Pretty sure me Monokuma and Shuichi exchanged the same look. Just a 'what the literal hell is wrong with her' look.

Mari (The ultimate Medic) Chimed in. "H-Hey whats so funny..?" He asked her. "Isn't it obvious?! The fact that they went through all of this just for a Phhhh joke!" She said laughing in between words.

"Uhm... Hate to burst your bubble there. But I don't think the teddy bear is joking." Naoki (Ultimate Skater) said chiming in. "I. AM. NOT. A. TEDDY BEAR! I AM MONOKUMA! M.O.N.O.K.U.M.A!" Mokuma screamed across the gym taking out his claws. I just face palmed.

 "Wowww who knew you could spell your own name so coolllllllll" I sarcastically said. I heard a giggle from Shuichi in return. While I gained a admiring smile from Akane. Monokuma just glared at me and continued explaining. 

(Bleh bleh bleh... We all know what hes saying just bullshittttt)

"Well thats about all! Have fun everyone!!!" Monokuma said as he disappeared to god who knows where.

Some people were freaking out. Others just stood there in shock. Others were remaining calm such as Shumai. Akane was just standing there looking at me. She was a few inches taller than me god damnit. Shumai grabbed my hand.

This made Akanes face lite up. She gasped. "Ouma! Is he your boyfriend?!" She askeed anxious for my answer. She's always though I was gay. I've tried explaining to her I'm pansexual, but she apparently doesn't wanna believe that. Sooo she doesn't.

"Akane n-" I started but got cut off. "Y-Yes I actually am his boyfriend." Shumai said  squeezing my hand tightly. I felt my face get warm. I don't think I could believe what he just said. I know Akane was freaking out in the background but I just stared up at Shuichi.

I was snapped out of my thought when I noticed Miyoko (Ultimate Actor) approach us. "Hey... so we're all gonna look around a bit then meet back here later. Are you 3 fine with that?" She asked. Shuichi just nodded. "Yep! Thank you!" I Said smiling, trying to seem happy. She just sighed and walked away.

"I-If you don't mind me and Kokichi will be going now" I waved goodbye to Akane while she sadly waved back. Oh my fucking god! Dude stop dragging me!!! It's getting annoying how he drags me everywhere. I stumbled a bit but managed to get where I was walking as fast of a pace as him.

Now I was dragging him. We went outside to an area by the tables. When I stopped. I have something very important to discuss with him. I let out a frustrated sigh turning aorund to look at him while he sat down at one of the picnic benches in front of me. 

"Ok Shuichi. WHAT THE HELL!" I yelled angry. He just looked at me confused. Oh my fucking god! "Why did you bring Akane here?! Now she's gonna die!" My yelling died down a lot. I couldn't have anyone hearing this conversation. He just smirked.

"I just wanted you to be reunited with someone you love!" He lied. It was an obvious one too. Only an idiot would fall for that. "You know you aren't a very good liar Saihara." I stated sitting across from him.

"Well I managed to lie to all out friends! So I think I'm a pretty good liar." His smirk left his face at the last part. He was just staring at me with glowing red eyes. I stood up and was about to walk to my dorm when my arm was grabbed. 

"Where do you think you're going?" I whipped my heard around as of course. It was Shumai. "I'm going to my fucking dorm." I stated pushing him off me and running to my room slamming the door behind me. 

My head felt fuzzy. Akane was going to die! And-... wait... I-I can stop her from dying! I think at least... I've been looking at this the wrong way! It's a killing game..! I can kill whoever I want! A-And all I have to do is target a certain person. 

Shumai! And if he dies... then by default I'd become the new mastermind! And then I can stop this killing game once and for all! I started laughing. I couldn't stop myself! I know how to end all of this! And all I have to do is kill 1 person!

So... Uhm- this took an unexpected turn. I didn't plan for it to go like this- but I came up with this last minute and thought it would be a fun little throw in to keep the story going.  

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