Chapter 2:

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Appreciate the image. I see Kokichi doing this. Like. A lot.

Kokichi 🎲POV:

Shuichi Saihara. The one person I thought I could even remotely trust. And now I'm gonna die because of it. But for some reason thinking that didn't feel right. I mean I found out he's the mastermind! Of course he's going to kill me!

We just stared at each other. His eyes were bright. Maybe a bit too bright. I looked away and afterwards still all I could see was red for a good 5 seconds.

He looked at me closely. Like he was thinking. He unpinned me sitting down in a chair motioning for me to sit down in the chair across from him.

Hesitantly I went and sat down in the chair. We stared at each other again. In silence. It was suffocating. It felt like all the air was being dragged out of my lungs. Eventually I couldn't take it anymore.

"So Shumai's the mastermind! How interesting~!" I said trying to hide my fear behind my usual smile. I think I said something wrong.

"Stop with the mask already" he demanded. His voice wasn't no where near what he normally sounds like. I shrinks back in my chair a bit with a shocked expression.

I looked down at the floor. "W-What are you gonna do with me?" I asked starting to shake a bit. Who knows what he might do! He could torture me! Execute me! Or even just murder me-

"We'll I don't plan on killing you..." he said crossing his arms and leaning his head back. My head quickly shot up towards him.

A wave of relief washed over me. Like I could breathe again after being underwater for a minute.

"But I can't just let you go" he said looking back at me smirking. And there it was. That's all it took. I felt steamy hot tears roll down my face.

I knew I shouldn't have came back here... I was just asking to get captured! What's he gonna do with me? Is he gonna kill the others!? Why the hell is he keeping me alive! This is all B-

My thoughts were interrupted by a gentle hand on my cheek. Lifting my face up to face him. Shuichi looked like his normal self now... like he wasn't some sick mastermind trying to get a bunch of teenagers to kill each other.

I snapped back into reality and quickly smacked his hand away from me. "D-Don't touch me!" I screamed looking away bracing myself for whatever might happen next.

I heard laughter. Like something coming from a maniac in a nightmare.

Then all of a sudden it stopped. Next thing I knew the mastermind was right in front of me smiling.

"Don't worry dear~! This won't hurt a bit!" He must have hit my head with something because next thing I saw was black.
It only seemed like a few minutes. But my eyes shot open. Looking around. I was on a... bed? I tried to get off it but noticed my neck was chained to the frame.

Then all of a sudden the events from earlier came flooding back to me. My head started to hurt. Guess he really hit my head hard huh.

I looked around at my surroundings and saw a clock. It's already 9:20!? It was just 11am the last time I looked at a clock!

I continued looking around and saw a TV screen to the right of me. It was connected to the same camera system as I saw before.

I saw Kaito, Maki, Himiko, Tsumugi, Keebo, and- Shuichi...

Everyone was meeting in the dinning hall for dinner...
Shuichi POV

This was starting to anger me. No one was mentioning the fact Kokichi wasn't at the meeting. At the same time though, I couldn't have got luckier!

I looked at the security camera and smiled waving. He's probably awake by now. May as well wave it's just good manners.

"Nyeh Shuichi are we missing anyone?" Himiko asked looking at Shuichi in confusion. Everyone looked around.

"Yeah it seems like a certain annoying bitch is missing from the count" Maki implied looking around crossing her arms.

"Oh, yeah I haven't seen him all day..." I lied. Obviously knowing he was locked up. They're all so naive. Trusting me so easily..! It's hilarious!

"I'm going to bed" Tsumugi had said throwing away her food and waving to us smiling then walking off.

"I should be going as well" I said throwing away my food giving a short wave before walking away.
Kokichi POV

I looked away from the monitor after hearing that looking anxiously at the door. What's gonna happen to me when he comes back?

Why didn't he just kill me!? This is all BS! So they all just see me as annoying huh? Well of course they do. They have no idea what I've sacrificed to even try to help them!

I saw the door open. As Shuichi walked in.

He looked at me blinking quickly a few times with those piercing red eyes. Then he smiled and ran over to me.

"Well good morning sleepyhead!" He said smiling. Out of instinct I kicked him as hard as I could and scrambled to the back of the bed frame.

"Now that wasn't very nice was it Kokichi?"
Hehe... I'm publishing this when I literally just got out of Therapy- anyways- chapter 3 should be coming soon as possible. I'm dealing with some family issues right now though, so expect me to post. A lot more.

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