Chapter 5:

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Hi guys- I forgot to mention this last chapter- being honest I didn't want Keebo and Himiko to die. But I decided to write it like that to give this AU a bit more personality I guess it the best way to put it. So it's more unique then just a mastermind change. I hope you understand, and with further a do lets get into this!

Shuichi POV:

It was around 6:30 am, I was sitting in my office with my laptop and journal open. Reviewing my plan from before of how I plan to frame to Tsumugi. Which may be a bit difficult. But she'd be the easiest to frame, considering she never had much involvement in events.

I felt 2 arms wrap around my neck. This has became like a everyday thing  now for us. "Good morning Kokichi" I said closing my laptop looking completely at my notebook. "Morning..." He said.

"You can go sit on the couch" I said pointing to a couch surrounded by bookshelves on the left side of the room. I felt the arms release from my neck while I looked over and saw Kokichi slump down on the couch.

"Ahem, it is 7am! As such night time is officially over!"

I sighed closing my notebook. Really should have mad night time 10-8. I stood up and grabbed Kokichi's hand almost dragging him along with me while we left the office and out from the secret little area hidden in the walls. 

I guess I was walking a bit fast since I noticed Kokichi was struggling to keep up. Almost falling down. I slowed down to what I think is a normal walking pace. Soon we reached the dining hall and saw Kaito already there. 

Kokichi POV:

Shuichi lead me to the table Kaito was at. "I'll get us some food, go ahead and sit down" I could hear him say lightly smiling. I nodded and sat down in the seat directly across from Kaito.

"Good morning Kaito!" I said in a cheerful tone. He just looked at me waving slightly. "Any idea who the mastermind is?" He asked. I froze at the words.

Right, me and Shuichi are. But it's not like I can tell him. Just gotta lie like normal. "No, I have a few suspicions on Maki though!" I said smiling. "Oh Bullshit!" He said raising his voice a bit. He really is protective of Maki huh?

"Don't worry Kaito, that was just a lie! Really I think Tsumugi's the mastermind." I said throwing my hands on the back of my head laughing at the start of the sentence. 

He looked as if he was thinking before Shuichi came with the food setting it down on the table and ruffling my hair. "Yep, I agree Kokichi!" Kaito seemed to be concentrated on his food. I looked at Shuichi and for a split second I could see that same look on Shuichi's face. A wide smirk and bright red eyes.

Guess I made the right decision lying about who the mastermind is. I don't think I want to die yet. And even if I told Kaito I don't think he'd believe me.

"Ah! Good morning Shuichi!" Kaito said looking up from his plate while Shuichi sat down next to me. I looked at my food and began eating. Maki came and sat beside Kaito not long after.

Kaito and Maki were talking, and me and Shumai were talking. "I never got the answer to my question for Keeboooooo" I whined while Shuichi just face palmed. "Kokichi I've already told you, robots don't have dicks" Shuichi said.

Finally everyone left the dining hall except me and Shumai. I was about to leave earlier but as I was standing up he grabbed my wrist and sat me back down. So I assumed he wanted me to stay in the dining hall until he left.

Tsumugi had just exited the dining hall. "I need to go set up some fake evidence that Tsumugi's the mastermind. I need you to distract her and make sure she doesn't come anywhere near me. So just do what you always do, okay?" Shumai had said. Talking a bit to calmly... I just nodded my head and we set off for our plan.







The class trial was about to end. And no one suspected Shuichi. At first Maki thought I was the mastermind. Understandable. I faked a confession and everything. Well, they don't think it's me anymore thank god. Like as planned they think it's Tsumugi.

"And it'sss voting time!"

A playful Monokuma had chimed in. Disrupting our conversation. We all voted Tsumugi, who was panicking. "I'M TELLING YOU IT'S NOT ME! YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE ME!" She yelled desperately. 

Me and Shuichi exchanged a small nod as all the votes were casted.

"Phuhuhu! Well how Disappointing! It appears everyone got it. WRONG!"

The robot bear had said hoping out of his chair. The room was filled with gasps and sobs. Then the lights went out.

3rd Person POV:

The lights went out as everything was pitch black. Whenever they came on, everyone looked around and saw that in Monokuma's chair was Shuichi Saihara. Then sitting beside the chair was Monokuma himself.

And then lastly was Kokichi. Laying in Shuichi's lap? Curled up into a ball almost on his back. With a blindfold and handcuffs. Everyone stared in disbelief. "Saihara-chan what's going on?" The short boy had asked shifting a bit.

Shuichi put a finger over Kokichi's mouth telling him to stay silent. "Calm down, just wanted to make the big reveal more interesting. Plus I know you hate seeing your friends deaths don't you?" Shuichi had whispered into the others ear.

Tsumugi was crying. And Kaito and Maki just stood there. "S-Shuichi?! You were the mastermind?! And why is Kokichi there?!" Kaito had yelled across the room filling the suspending silence.

"Yes, and the other answer is simple! He's my little assistant I guess you could say. He found out about me being the mastermind. And I couldn't just let him go! But I didn't quite want to kill him either! No enough stalling!" Shuichi had said calmly until the last part. His eyes were glowing red while Kaito and Maki were shook.

Tsumugi was just sobbing so loud you could probably hear it a mile away. Kokichi had sat up a bit more leaning against Shuichi's chest. He didn't really like hearing other people's screams. Even if they hated him. He just faked all of it for the means of survival.

Shuichi had grabbed the hammer and smiled widely.

"It's punishment time!"

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