Chapter 3:

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Kokichi POV:

"Now that wasn't very nice was it Kokichi?"

His voice seemed to be emotionless. No signs of any kind of emotion in his voice or even his face. It was unnatural. Scary even.

"How about I propose a deal" he had said smiling sitting on the bed in-front of me. I slowly nodded.

"Alright, I will never physically hurt you. I'll even let you go, all you have to do is agree to be the 2nd mastermind and obey my every order!" He had proposed smiling.

I opened my mouth about to say something but nothing would come out. Why was I shocked?

"I'd never do that!" I yelled at him, his smile quickly widened. His face turned red and he leaned over and grabbed my chin pulling it closer to him.

"Well it's not like you've got nothing to loose! Everyone hates you anyways!" I mean he's right... I saw it myself. They all hate me. But maybe he cares about me! He wouldn't have kept me alive right? But at the same time... you know what? Fuck it!

"Okay Saihara-Chan! I accept your offer!" I said smiling at him. He backed up and let go of my chin.

"Perfect! From now on you sleep here, and I'll give you a tour of the tunnels tomorrow!" Shuichi had explained.

I signed in relief. Thank god. I should be fine. For now atleast... this is all so confusing!

"But... if I find out your broke out deal..." he began reaching for something in his pocket. "It won't be pretty!" He pulled out a knife and smiled.

Wow. Should have expected that. "Alright alright..." I said trailing off spacing off at the end looking him straight into his eyes. They were still glowing red. It hurt my eyes to look at them but at the same time I couldn't look away.

He put his knife back in his pocket and leaned over at my unchaining my neck. He looked like normal Shumai again...

"Now, get some rest. I hit you pretty hard earlier" he said almost demanding all I could do was nod.

"Wait, where's my scarf?" I questioned rubbing the back of my neck.

"Oh right" he reached in the nightstand drawer and pulled it out handing it to me smiling afterwards.

I quickly put it on hanging onto it tightly. "Oh, we're are you sleeping?" I asked him while he stared at my slightly tilting his head to the side.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm sleeping here" he said starting to get under the covers beside me.

"Then where am I sleeping?" I said sat down looking at him while he turned on his side and grabbed my shirt pulling me down so I was laying down beside him.

"Here" he said grabbing a remote on his nightstand and turning out the light shifting a bit getting comfortable.

I just blinked a few times quickly and turned away from him on my side. It's probably best to just do what he says, definitely shouldn't question him in my current situation.

And maybe this isn't so bad... all the others just think I'm annoying. Or a lying bitch. If Shuichi really thought that of me... I would have been long dead.
I started to wake up. Yawning and sitting up. Noticing that Shumai wasn't there. But it couldn't have just been a dream, I wasn't in my dorm.

God damnit. I looked around and saw a door open. I decided to stand up and wonder into it. Sticking my head out the door.

There Saihara-Chan was, sitting at a desk with a laptop open and writing something on a piece of paper.

I walked in quietly and snuck up behind him throwing my arms around his neck. "Good morning Shumai~!" I said cheerfully smiling.

He shot a glare at me. Oh right, he doesn't like this mask.

"What are you doing?" I asked tilting my head to the side a bit. He looked up at me. "Just brainstorming new motives. People seem to not be killing others quickly enough"

I sighed and removed my arms from his neck sitting next to him on the floor.

"What time is it?" I asked looking up at him. He spun his chair looking down at me. "Around 6:48, morning announcements should come up in a minute"

And so I just sat there while he wrote some things down occasionally glancing at his laptop.

Next thing I knew the morning announcements came on.

Shumai shut his laptop and grabbed my hand dragging me out of the room and too the dining hall. We were the first people there conveniently.

He let my wrist go while I scrambled to my feet. I went and got my breakfast sitting at a table around the back. Shumai sat next to me.

... I guess when the others get here I should put my mask back on so they don't suspect anything.

Next thing I knew Kaito walked in, followed by Hajime, Keebo, then Tsumugi, and lastly Maki. They all stared at me and Shuichi when they waked in. Kaito and Maki sat at our table. Then Tsumugi, Keebo, and Hajime at the main table.

"Goodmorning Maki!" Shumai said waving at her. "Morning Maki-roll!" Kaito cheerfully said.

I just sat there poking my food before being elbowed in the arm by Shuichi. Oh right...

"Well Good morning Maki! Glad to see you'll be going us~!" I cheerfully said smiling. She just rolled her eyes. I went back to 'eating' my food while Maki and Kaito talked.

Shuichi grabbed my wrist catching my attention. I looked down and he handed me a note. I put it in my pocket.

After we ate breakfast me and Shumai went to hangout outside sitting at a picnic table.

"Don't read the note until the next body discovery... okay?" Shu had stated looking at me dead in the eye.

I just nodded. The rest of the day went by pretty normally. Until dinner...

We realized Keebo wasn't there. Me, Shumai, and Tsumugi went to search for him.

"A body has been discovered!"

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