Chapter 13:

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Hey! Sorry, this is taking forever to upload parts. I've been busy with school lately. Like the academic team, and with volleyball tryouts soon, not to mention court. Everythings has been chaotic. Anywaysssssss enjoy! Hoshi out.

Kokichi POV:

A paranormal presence in the area?! What if it's the previous losers of this damn game! Like Rantaro! I can't believe it I might be able to talk to them again! But I don't know if they'd want to talk to me...

"Seems like there are quite a few restless spirits here actually... Previous competitors of the game more than likely" She states sitting down on a picnic bench leaning backward. I'll be able to talk to them again! I'm too happy right now!

"Is there any way to communicate with them?!" I asked a little louder than intended. This made her jerk her head to look at me with suspicion. I mean it's not like she's gonna live for long anyways...

"Well, there is... How about this, meet me in my room at 12am tonight" She proposed. I just quickly nodded my head. Then I heard a door open and someone call my name.

"Kokichi! I-I have something I need to discuss with you"  I turned my head and saw... Shumai! I nodded before waving goodbye to Chikaki. She waved back while I ran over to Saihara-chan while we began walking.

"So whats with your mood?" He calmly asked. I know what he means. I'd probably ask the same thing. Only I don't know how to answer. 

"just realization" I explained. I had no idea where we were walking. And to be honest, I don't think that he did either. As we were walking we ran into Aiko. She seemed to be... just staring at a wall I guess? I have no idea what she was doing.

We just walked past her giving a slight wave. 


The next few hours were just like normal. Just chilling and talking to everyone. 

And then came midnight. Shumai was asleep... I took this as my chance to sneak into Chikakos room. I managed to get out of the secret room without Shuichi waking up or getting noticed by someone.

Whenever I arrived I hesitantly rang the doorbell. I hope she didn't forget about our meeting. A few moments later she answered the door warmly smiling. "Come in Come in! I have managed to find a few spirits in the presence who would wish to talk to you" She said letting me inside.

I saw what seemed to be some kind of ritual? Thats probably how she wants to communicate with them. She motioned for me to sit down on one of the two pillows she had laid on the floor. I had no idea where she got these things. And I don't care.

All I care about is finding out who would like to talk to me.

Whenever she sat down she placed a finger to her lips signaling for me to be quite. I nodded my head while she closed her eyes. 

"Hm... it seems we will only have time to communicate with one tonight. I shall let you decide" She said smiling then wrote a few things down on a notepad. Names I assume.

She handed me the paper. There seemed to be 4 names on it. Rantaro. Tsumugi. Gonta. Or Kaede. I smiled while she handed me a pencil. I circled one of the names. It would be great to catch up with Rantaro. After all he was the first one to die.

I handed her the paper shile she sat it in the middle of a circle. She did what seemed to be a few handsigns and then a small hand held white board appeared. A white board with a green marker. She handed me it. 

And explained that if I ever want to say something to him at any time of the day all I had to do was wright it down on this white board. And then eventually wording would appear signalling he wrote back.

I decided to write a simple message.

"Hey Amami-chan!" 

Chikako looked a bit suspicious. She opened her mouth to say something but quickly shut it seeing what was then wrote on the board. "Hello Ouma".

She seemed surprised. I smiled almost immediatly. Hugging the board as tight as I could. I couldnt believe it! It works! It works it works it works! Following her surprised expression came a look of suspision. 

"How come so many spirits here are willing to talk to you right now..."

I froze. 

I mean... Shuichi is asleep and as far as I'm aware... the camera footage isn't on record. So... I should be safe to tell her at least a bit.

"This isn't exactly the first killing game I've participated in this location." I said placing down the white board. She seemed to be thinking before she responded. "So how come you're inside this one as well?" She asked looking at me suspiciously.

"I'm not sure. Can I take this white board with me?"I asked. She nodded in response and I waved before leaving. If I keep talking about this subject I may tell her more than intended. And she seems to be useful... 

I managed to sneak back into the secret room. I sat the white board in a drawer residing in my night stand and fell asleep.

Today... was strange thats for sure... was the last thing I thought before I passed out.

Hiiiiiiiii how is everyone? Good- anyways- court hasn't been fun. And the non existant update schedule will be changing a lot. So uhm- just wanted to let everyone here in on that. Also- I have realized how complicated this plot has become. Lol I get into things once I start them. Anyways, Thanksgiving just passed for everyone in the USA/Canada. So thats fun! And winter Holidays are coming up! So I look forward to that! Anyways the next update should be coming this weekend or tomorrow. Or maybe later tonight. Depends-

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