Chapter 4:

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Kokichi POV:

Keebo's body was discovered...Dismantled. And I actually liked messing with the robot. Who killed him? Why would anyone do that? He was a nice person! And someone just had to go and kill him like that! It angered me so much-!

I shook my head. "Awww! Guess that's another one deadddd" I said dragging the end. It hurts to do this. Act like I don't care. Of course I care! I'm not a monster..! I looked at Shuichi. He looked shocked. I know he really wasn't. He knew god damn Keebo was dead.

Tsumugi on the other hand seemed very shocked. I think she had the same thought process as me. I threw my hands on the back of my head and smiled. "I'll go tell the others where Keebo's body's located!" I started walking away. 

After that everything seemed to go as normal.

Gathering Evidence.

Class Trial.

Apparently we got it correct. It was... Himiko? Wow I didn't expect that from her. Guess life is full of surprises huh? Guess it's time for her execution now...

During the entire time of her death I stared at Shuichi. I guess I'm still shocked someone like him could plan all of this out... It's strange really. How he can come up with this all on his own, how he figured all of this out ahead of time. His expression showed concern while he watched her die. 

I know it was all just an act. If he really cared he wouldn't have killed her. But I guess I'm not the only one wearing a mask huh? Well whatever. Thank god hers was fast. And not something like Kaede's. When you think about it Shumai's just straight brutal! Kaede covered for him, she was his friend! And he gave her such a slow death! He tortured her!

There's really no changing it now though... she's already dead. It's too late. I didn't notice but the execution was over and everyone was starting too rush out. I think Shuichi noticed I was staring at him. "Don't forget to read the note" 

He reminded me before walking off. I quickly followed not wanting to stick around at her scene of death. It wasn't very nice watching people die. At least in my opinion. I know there are some physcos that actually enjoy it however. Such as the one I was following.

I walked into my dorm room plopping on my bed and taking the note from my pocket unfolding it and reading it. My eyes widened a bit in shock. So that's what we're doing... huh? I almost feel bad. But at the same time I don't.

I shrugged my shoulders and just laid down fully on my bed sighing. What have I gotten myself into...

I heard knocking on my door. I was too exhausted to actually get up and see who it was so I just yelled. "COME IN THE DOORS OPEN!" 

I heard the door open and lifted my head up. Shuichi walked in closing the door behind him.

"I thought that you'd be in the secret room by now asleep." Shuichi said sitting down next to me. 

"Yeah I was originally gonna do thatttt but right now Im too tired to moveee" I said dragging at multiple pasrts of the sentence yawning afterwards. "Also I read you note... Why do you want to frame Tsumugi as the mastermind?" I asked looking at Shumai still laying down.

"Easy target, no would get defensive over her not being the mastermind. No one would object if we have even the slightest evidence on her." He explained.

"Now come on. Lets go" Shumai said standing up. I just groaned sitting up. I really didn't want to move. Class trials are really exhausting. 

"I don't wannnaaaaaa" I said flopping back down on my back staring at the ceiling. I could hear him sigh and walk closer to me.

Next thing I knew he picked me up and we started walking to a specific part of the hallway. I blinked a few times. Guess he really wants to keep eyes on me huh? I mean I don't blame him really. I doubt he hasn't realized how sneaky I could be.

Yeah okay I've thought too much for one day. I nuzzled me head into his chest trying to get comfortable. This is gonna be a long walk... Might as well be comfortable right? 

Wow class trials really are... exhausting... was my last thought before I managed to fall asleep.

Shuichi POV:

I stopped for a second looking down at the boy in my arms. Huh? He fell asleep? Thought he was afraid of me... I'll need to look more into that later. I started walking again and pressed on a brick opening a passageway in which I went into.

I carefully sat Kokichi down on the bed being careful not to wake him. He shifted a bit but then laid still. Good. Now, time to work on the issue at hand.

The mastermind voting will be taking place in two days. And I need to clear me and Kokichi's name and make it look like it was Tsumugi that's the mastermind. Because I don't think me or my beloved here are quite ready to die. Yet at least.

About 2 hours passed and I began to get tired. I sighed putting everything I need for tomorrow away. I walked over to the bed and stared at my sleeping assistant for a moment. I smiled at him. All of this worked out too perfectly! I guess my eyes turned red because that all I could see colors in. 

Now me and my beloved will be together and safe! Forever! And no one will get in our way! Heh... My eyes went back to normal.

I thought about it for a moment then bent down and gently kissed his forehead seeing him lightly smile. Cute. I went to my own side of the bed, laid down and slowly drifted off asleep. Tomorrow's the big day.


Well- I'm sick- again. This is like the 5 time in the past 3 months! I'm going to the doctor's tomorrow to see if anything's wrong. Because I keep coming back as not having Covid, Flu, or Strep. And this is happening every few weeks. Soooo yay- hope that goes well, anyways have a wonderful day/night everyone!

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