why, Father???

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I just knew November would suck
I just knew it
I felt the dread at 12
I thought it was some sort of seasonal
I wish it was just that truly I do
It's much more complex

I was living my normal school day
And all of a sudden that feeling arose
From the pits of hell then a ringing
From the teachers phone then he said

Jack go to the office I hadn't a clue
On why I thought it'd be because of pda
But it wasn't it was a call from my step mom(?)
My dad got arrested that wasn't shocking given the night prior he stole my great grandma's gun and he's a felon

The story gets much worse from there parts I can't even say because it breaks my heart

I had to leave my boyfriend behind.. I was crying from then on and that was my 5th class and 3 more to go

The good byes were almost surreal
I'd have never gotten so close to someone
In such short time so odd

When I arrived home I had to pack up I was truly happy for once ,kinda (happiness hardly has a definition)

The things my stepmom(?) Told me were utterly heartbreaking I broke down because I am truly pathetic but why???

why ,father ,why would you break the promise and try to kill yourself?? Atleast you got help but what about me?? You wrote a suicide note addressed to my brothers and I.. you broke the promise just to try to kill yourself.. now im back with my mother you know she's not great but atleast she never broke that promise, I left her for you because how she got

But alas nothing is forever has I've learned far to many times since September

Ofc im crying

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