I'm kinda proud of myself

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I'm kinda proud of myself
Although I need to cutback on my nicotine consumption
Although I only smoke every few days
I haven't really stalked him
Nor wrote about him
Nor fantasized
Nor post

I haven't really been begging for her
Love like a dog
Nor obsessed over her
Nor flirted with her
Nor post

I'm kinda proud of myself

I've been taking care of myself
Despite not feeling hunger/being disgusted
By the thought of food I still eat

I drink multiple bottles of water a day

I've been showering alot
Bathing alot

Brushing my teeth more

I'm kinda proud of myself

In a sense I'm finding new things I like too

I'm kinda proud of myself

Is it really just a form of mania?
Where I think I'm fine but I'm really
So bad?

I'm kinda proud of myself
I've been free of self harming for

11 months
   16 days
     9 hours
       9 minutes
         5 seconds

But suddenly I remember the way it felt sawing at my arm with a dull kitchen knife
The almost tranquility

I'm kinda proud of myself

Stitches and best friend

Blood Rose || A Collection Of my Poetry: Pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now