An immortal love.

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An immortal love.


I've taught myself secrets of the universe
That not many know. If I could I'd sell my soul
For immortality but I've already damned my soul

I was utterly infatuated so I gave him my soul
But to be fair he gave me his as well but in  false hope on who he'd give it to

I've gone by many names but nothing compares to his words or the way "satan" fell off his serpentine tongue he gave his soul to 'satan' but the only real devil he knew was me

The way he said 'satan' at a place named in the devil's name will never leave me it sounded like a disguised hate


I've taught myself certain acts of an immortal
I've fallen in love plenty of times but each person I do fall for a piece of my heart stays theirs forever

Every person I have ever fallen for I am still inlove with which mind you it's 4 now


I've taught myself not to show the public how I feel I've taught myself different cultures so I could fit in almost everywhere

And yet I'm still not completely immortal. My art and my soul are but all I want is my consciousness and body to be


You have no idea what I'd give to be immortal.

Blood Rose || A Collection Of my Poetry: Pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now