start over?

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Kiss me like we did

Love me like you so obviously did

Hold my hand in the rain

Be the one I cried to

Hold me, please

Except, isn't that short and sweet
It was alot more traumatic, i know
I can't forgive myself

I do know tho, despite it all your
The only person I've cared so deeply
For, which high-key sucks

I obviously took advantage of the situation
Which no matter what I say, it was never ok and there is no way to justify what I had done

I do not deserve your forgiveness, whatsoever, but oh, how much I wish
For it

I wish we could start over, start new

I wish we were friends, again

But that's asking to much, I know...

Blood Rose || A Collection Of my Poetry: Pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now