the creatures created from God's finest Gold

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We were created from the same mold
Both destined to be destroyed or destroy the other

Liquid gold poured into a mold the creatures created from God's finest Gold were only given a few moments of peace

They were destined to kill each other maybe not at once but whomever is first to die will cause the other to perish

Before we knew the wicked game fate herself had planned we were friends and we were even lovers
But thats when dearest mother fate and father God decided it was enough
I'll never understand why out Devine parents chose to have my life get destroyed first

The burning hot wrath, lust, envy, greed, sloth, gluttony, and pride
Caused by the other is astonishing

There's no point we'll both end up in hell I think our eternal parent's were bored

We were created from gold in a mold connected by us holding hands but we weren't meant to be that close again

So who will it be who has to die first? I sure hope it's you, love.

We were cursed with not being allowed to kill ourselves so we resort to destroying our bodies by self harm, sex, and addictions

I had stabbed you too and I should've aimed an inch aside and I should've thrusted my cold knife Inside your caramel skin

I should've fucked you with it like a guarantee you'll be fucking me but a lil' different if ya' know what I mean~

Just so you know I will never not think of you or what we could've had after all if our Devine parents hadn't stepped in and we had stayed in charge we would've had a child

A disgrace to all the God's I bet Fate and God would've killed it.
So here we are honestly it's a ticking time bomb

Scorpio cuz I still haven't learned my lesson

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