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Faint rays of sunshine hit the female's face causing her to frown

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Faint rays of sunshine hit the female's face causing her to frown.
Outside the window the snow started falling again, ice crystals appearing on the glassy surface.

Christmas day had come and it was freezing cold outside, even her room seemed to have cooled down, making it hard for the girl to get up.

A small groan escaped her mouth once she got out of bed and she immediately reached for a sweater before heading downstairs to grab some coffee.

As she entered the kitchen a warmth immediately surrounded her.
A fire was already burning in the chimney, the smoky smell making her feel comfortable and protected in a way.

Her mom was preparing breakfast and greeted her daughter warmly, giving her a hug before starting to make some coffee.
A sigh escaped Nari's mouth, realization suddenly hit her, she was visiting her parents way too seldom.

Now that she was right here with them, she felt how badly she missed them, but the stress had distracted her from it.

Today would be a calm day, the family wanting to go to church and and later on Nari's mother planned on cooking their favorite dish with her.
It was quite unusual to actually make such an effort for this holiday but her parents had a liking towards western Christmas traditions so they kind of formed a habit of celebrating the whole day.

Once returning from the church in the afternoon, the sky had already darkened to a point it was almost black, faint sparkling of stars visible, Nari received a message from Renjun asking her if she was doing okay.

She smiled lightly at her friend being worried for her, knowing she would tease him for it if they were seeing each other in person right now.
Her fingers were typing a quick answer on the device that was still kind of cold due to the low temperatures outside and slid it into her pocket again.

The girl wondered if her friends were enjoying their holidays but she'd bet they did so she just shoved her thoughts away and proceeded to enter the kitchen and help her mom preparing dinner.

„So, tell me sweetheart", her mom gave her a quick grin before continuing to stir the meal.

„Did something interesting happen this semester? Did you experience something? Did you maybe meet some person you might like?", she chuckled seeing her daughter looking like a ghost at first before turning red.

Actually, the first question made her think about her encounters with the sort of demonic boy that turned out not to be nightmares, but when her mother asked about someone she might like she immediately had to think of Renjun.

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