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nariseong_ wants to send you a message

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nariseong_ wants to send you a message.

„Hey, are you free right now?"

block delete accept

„Hey, what's wrong?", he texted back, furrowing his brows in confusion. Jisung had been resting until he read her message.
It was currently 02:00 am, why the hell would she suddenly decide to contact him at this late hour, and when they had never texted before at that?

He sat back up in his bed, the previous tiredness had vanished entirely. Nervousness pulsated through his veins as he waited for the girl's reply.
When his phone finally emitted a notification sound, he flinched.

„The hill outside the city"

„Please don't ask"

„Just come"

The boy didn't waste any time or energy thinking about what to reply and grabbed a black hoodie, throwing it over his dark shirt and leaving the room immediately.
He roughly knew where to go. When Jisung left hell, his face and body were immediately engulfed by the cold night air.
Luckily he had missed the rain, his gaze fell onto the watery ground outside nonetheless.

His sharp eyes searched around the quiet neighborhood, not too keen on running into some hunters at the moment, and when he was sure there was no one else around, by the blink of an eye, he spread his enormous pitch-black wings, disappearing into the dark night.

The harsh wind hit his face as he glided through the air, wings flapping gracefully through the darkness of the night.
It took the boy a while to figure out where she might be, seeing as he wasn't too familiar with the neighborhood she lived in yet, so, for a while, he searched for the female rather aimlessly.

Jisung started to feel more on edge as minutes passed.
Was she thinking he would just ignore her?
Would she leave, assuming he wouldn't look for her?

His eyes narrowed as the frequency of his wing beats increased, making him traverse the air quicker than ever, his pointed nose scrunching up at the chilly air that hit his face even more the faster he got.

The pitch-black of the demon's eyes wandered through the night, their aim unrecognizable for anyone but the boy himself.
Ambitious to find the girl, he looked out for hills behind the many houses that created the small city, sticking close to groves so he wouldn't be seen. He had already passed several hills, hope building up inside his cold heart, only for the feeling to be crushed again when he realized that the area he was looking at was silent, entirely empty.

Time had lost it's meaning to the boy, he had no idea for how long he had been searching by now, worry and desperation blooming like a thorny rose inside of him.

It could've been minutes, hours, half of the night that passed when he was close to giving up.
The feeling of desperation slowly mixed with a bittersweet taste of frustration and anger.

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