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Time had passed quickly for Nari, being occupied with intense training and studies, she barely had any free time left

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Time had passed quickly for Nari, being occupied with intense training and studies, she barely had any free time left.
Even though she saw Mark and Renjun in the building frequently, they had different time schedules and while she went to study in the afternoon, they had meetings with a group of more advanced hunters where they planned their proceeding against the demons.
Nights were designated for hunts and now that the girl knew about their way of living, they didn't have to cover up anymore and were able to spend more time on their hidden activities.

It made her feel somewhat sad, but she didn't think about it too much, trying her best to catch up quickly so she could, one day, be on the same level as her friends.

She didn't get to study with them often, yet she barely ever was alone when doing so.
A certain demon decided to spend as much time with her as he possibly could, and Nari didn't mind.
Part of her almost forgot that he was a demon, a dangerous creature, one she learned to fight during the day.
Maybe it was because he didn't behave like that at all. Was he even the same person who tried to kill her months ago? Did he change for good?

She mindlessly watched the boy as he focused on the mess of papers in front of him, glancing from one to another and trying to use some as a reference for his drawing. Ever since she first helped him with a sketch, he drew whenever they met in the afternoon to work on their assignments.
None of them ever asked for a study date, they just naturally met almost every afternoon as if it was some sort of unspoken agreement.

On rare occasions, when Nari got to spend some time with her friends, he would enter the library, his dark eyes scanning the room for a short while, and he would leave again when he realized she wasn't there. He never dared to ask about it whenever she wouldn't come to the library.

The hue of disappointment that flashed through his eyes in those moments wouldn't be noticed by anyone, not that he cared about other people's opinions anyway.

It was difficult spending time with rivals, she thought.
Technically speaking, he was her rival, too, but she pushed that thought away, somehow not being able to imagine studying in the library without him anymore.

She watched as he lightly shook his head, trying to get rid of the strands of hair that were tickling his soft skin ever so lightly. His nose scrunched up, but he wouldn't avert his attention from the drawing in front of him.
Thoughts were clouding her mind as she stared at the handsome boy, and a sting shot right through her heart when she considered to stop seeing him to study together.

He hadn't been intrusive or anything, and they didn't really meet outside the library, but a part of her feared what could possibly happen if the hunters were to find out about their connection.
Sure, he would always hide his true identity in public, which was probably what almost made her forget about his true demon self. But what if they'd find out she was casually meeting with a demon, almost daily at that?
For sure she'd be kicked out, and that'd be at best case scenario already.
But even if they wouldn't find out, was it the right thing to interact with a demon as a hunter?
It wasn't, yet, when she looked at the tall boy in front of her, she just didn't have the heart to draw a line.

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