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This morning, Nari was rudely woken up by her alarm going off

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This morning, Nari was rudely woken up by her alarm going off.
She winced, reaching to her side to turn it off, taking a moment to succeed. Sighing, she slowly opened her eyes. A yawn escaped her soft lips.
For a moment, all she did was stare at the ceiling, allowing herself to wake up properly and think about yesterday's events.
Was she being delusional or did the demon boy, Jisung, actually walk her home after they bumped into each other?

Her mind went back to how his large hand captured hers, how he emitted warmth and how part of her enjoyed it, even though she didn't want to believe that, remembering that he almost killed her several times.
Yet, yesterday, he was being sweet towards her, almost like a friend.

He had waited until she slipped through her door and inside the cozy flat, secretly, she had watched him leaving her house afterwards through the window in the kitchen.
The way he insisted on waiting until she was inside wouldn't leave the girl's mind. The way he pulled his hood over the head afterwards before turning around, the way he-

Nari stopped, halting in her thoughts. Why was she thinking so much about him?
Mentally scolding herself and cursing, she stood up and walked towards the kitchen to heat up some water before leaving for the bathroom.

The sky slowly brightened as she walked towards the university, mentally reviewing the chapters she read yesterday afternoon.

She felt an unfamiliar tug at her heart when she walked opposite to the department architecture classes took place in, and entered the department of the hunters.
So far there was no one else and they still had quite some time left until their first lesson would start. The girl used that time to change into her sportswear and tie her hair, since she would be starting off with Mr. Moon's beginners class today.

Slowly, the room filled with people, their faces now more familiar to her.
Before Mr. Moon came in, Renjun snuck inside the room and hugged her, wishing her a great lesson. She smiled, thankful he encouraged her and seemed to believe in her skills as well, and her motivation for the day increased even more.
Only a few moments later, their professor entered with a huge smile plastered on his face. He was by far the nicest professor she had ever met.

It didn't take the group long to start practicing; Nari repeatedly tried arching the string of her bow as much as she could. It required a lot of strength, yet she felt she was already doing better than last time.
Soft leather protected her fingers from getting hurt, she inhaled deeply as she began to focus on the wooden target in front of her.
Mr. Moon stood and watched curiously, he seemed to be sensing an eagerness within the young girl. When she finally shot her first arrow, disappointment crashed over her and flooded through her body like a violent wave. She didn't hit anywhere near the center.

„Don't be too hard on yourself. Most of the hunters start off not even hitting the target at all, don't expect to hit the bullseye immediately. This is gonna take patience and practice.", a soft smile was shot her way, followed by an encouraging nod.

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