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Jisung's dark eyes roamed the room again and again, yet with no success

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Jisung's dark eyes roamed the room again and again, yet with no success. A deep sigh left his lips, his lip ring found it's way between his teeth again as he nibbled at it nervously.

„Dude, calm down", Jeno patted his shoulder, pitying the agitated boy.
He hadn't seen the girl all day and started to wonder if something was up.
„Why don't you text her?", the third demon of the trio then asked.
The smirk that tugged at his lips nearly pushed Jisung over the edge.
„Or would you like me to? You know, since I'm better at flirti-"
„Shut the fuck up or you won't witness a single night again", the youngest groaned and got up from his seat in the cafeteria, exiting the room.
Jeno only sighed and shook his dark locks.
„Really, Jaemin?"

As much as Jisung hated to admit it, Jaemin wasn't wrong. So, he fished out his phone from his jeans pocket and opened the chat with Nari.

„Are you alright"
„I'm worried"
„Do you need anything"

Impatient, the boy stared at his phone until the bell shook him out of his reverie. So far she didn't respond, so he'd have to wait.
Wasn't it uncommon for people to skip their classes?

He figured something happened, or something must've upset her and it worried him. It worried him to the point all he could think about was her.

Jisung mindlessly stared at the blank paper in front of him, the professor's voice faintly infiltrating the back of his mind.
He hadn't touched his pencils ever since the lesson started, neither would he be able to tell what they had been discussing for the last 30 minutes, if someone was to ask him.

Then, finally, his phone lit up with a notification.
His eyes immediately averted their attention from the white material in front of him to the device next to it. His fingers were quick to grab the phone and unlock it, only to hastily skim the contents of said notification.

„I'm okay"
„I'm in the library"

Jisung exhaled a breath he didn't know he was holding.
His lips pulled up in a soft smile until he laid the device back onto the table, picking up a pencil and starting to concentrate on the professor's words. It wouldn't be long until midterms, after all.

When class ended, the tall demon was the first to get up and gather his belongings only to leave the lecture hall seconds later.
„Don't wait for me", he shouted back at Jaemin and Jeno, not even sparing them a single glance as he disappeared.

His legs led him to the library, though he stopped to grab a carton of banana milk first.
It was almost as if getting these for her turned into a habit, something he naturally did before paying the library a visit.
Banana milk lightly swinging in his hands as he stepped into the huge room, his eyes immediately searched for the dark haired girl.
He wasn't surprised to see her sitting at their usual table, yet his face lit up and his eyes filled with a certain glimmer.
Specks of gold glistened in them, unlike the red that whirled within the black when he got mad or was in bloodlust. It was a small detail, yet a significant one.

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