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„It started out with a kiss
How did it end up like this?
It was only a kiss, it was only a kiss"
- Mr. Brightside • The Killers

Nari dodged her opponent's hits swiftly, desperately trying to clear her mind and focus on the current training, though that turned out to be rather difficult

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Nari dodged her opponent's hits swiftly, desperately trying to clear her mind and focus on the current training, though that turned out to be rather difficult.
Her hands collided with her partner's arm, just barely stopping him from defeating her.
She exhaled heavily, her tired body putting all it's force into the next punch.

Nari was exhausted from the whirlwind of emotions she had been through these last days and it was depriving her of sleep.
She was confused, to say the least.

Renjun had always been her best friend and she had loved him platonically, they had studied together and spent their free time with Mark, just that her two friends had disappeared at the most random times, with the most random excuses.
She had never thought about it, however it left a faint bitter taste on her tongue to think how they had never told her of them being hunters, and hadn't Jisung attacked her, they probably would never have.
For how many years had they been lying to her?

She felt betrayed. Fooled.
And now that Renjun had tried to kiss her, those feelings intensified.
She was mad at him, disappointed, hurt. Did he not get that she wanted him to stop? Or did he just not care at all?
Since when even did he have feelings for her?

„Ouch-", her face contorted in pain.
This time, Nari wasn't quick enough to stop the punch that flew her way.
Her movements were slower than usual, she was lacking energy and focus, clearly not having her head the right place.
„Nari, what's up? This is not like you", her dark haired partner furrowed his eyebrows, a little worried at her slow reactions.

„I'm good, just a little exhausted", she smiled tiredly at him before regaining her posture. Even though she was exhausted, she wasn't one to give up easily and for sure didn't want anyone's pity.

Her feet moved unsteadily across the soft surface of the ground, mentally thanking whoever designed and built this room for the material they used, since there was no need to be afraid of falling and most likely hurting oneself.

Nari thought back to how she felt about Renjun; a colorful palette of feelings gnawing at her heart, only to rush through her veins.
She was furious, hurt, sad, and she felt confused and betrayed. Thinking back to her Christmas holidays, how did she seem to have lost her feelings for him ever since?
Because the girl was sure, at some point she did have a slight crush on him, but when did it subside?

Her thoughts came to a stop when her back hit the ground, harshly yet softly.
Another thing that confused her.

She furrowed her eyebrows in pain and hissed. Suddenly, she was reminded of when her body lastly collided with the floor and it felt as if an electric shock went through her when she was met with an image that her mind seemed to have captured just perfectly: Renjun hovering over her.
It hurt.
And then, her eyes suddenly just shut. It was all black. Her body shut down.

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