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The clock ticked steadily while Nari sat in her living room, staring aimlessly out of the window

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The clock ticked steadily while Nari sat in her living room, staring aimlessly out of the window. She was pale, dark circles painted around her dull eyes. Her lips were chapped and her clothes clung more loosely to her body.

It was obvious that she wasn't taking care of herself; she didn't eat or drink, neither had she been able to sleep properly these days.
The sky turned more dark while she continued to stare ahead for an unknown time, her eyes stung from the lack of blinking.

Was it that hard for her to just like him back? Why couldn't she just have continued to like her best friend? Why did she have to hurt him like that? Why did she have to be so rude, so tactless?

Nari felt horrible for the things she had said during their argument, it gnawed at her heart.
Rationally, she knew exactly why they had been keeping the whole supernatural world from her and part of her was thankful too, yet she had blamed him for it and for so much more.

Could she have done anything to stop him from falling in love with her?

Couldn't she have stopped herself from beginning to like the wrong person?

It was foolish to like him, so foolish. Naïve. Deep down she knew that, but her heart faded out every inch of rationality there was, almost addicted to how Jisung made her feel, he lulled her in.

When had her heart decided that it was the better option to like a demon, a creature publicly known for being insidious and sanguinary, rather than someone who could protect her from the evil?
Was there something to the saying that danger could be alluring, after all?

The girl hadn't talked to Renjun ever since that day. She hadn't heard from him, neither did she have the guts to approach him, but she missed him dearly.

She missed the best friend she seemed to have lost.

If she thought about it, she was no better than Mark and Renjun. Worse, even.
Not only had she, willingly or not, been distancing herself and keeping the fact that she liked someone from them, but she also hadn't mentioned that the boy she liked, Jisung, was actually a demon.
It was probably only a matter of time until they would find out. They would most likely think she was insane, pathetic, seeing as some time ago she joined the hunter team just because of him.
It was ridiculous, she was ridiculous.

Her eyes fell onto a certain picture that hung on the wall, it was the three of them hugging each other and smiling toward the camera, a memory of happy times spent together in their freshman year at university.
It stung painfully, and as if all common sense had left her body, a mindless decision was made.

Her cold fingers pushed up her body, collecting the last bit of energy that was left inside of her, and slowly she got up to her feet. Her eyes wandered without aim, catching a glimpse of the door key that she grabbed before opening the front door.

She was greeted by cold, harsh air that flew past her and inside the flat, whirling up her lusterless hair.

Her body trembled from the lack of warmth and energy that it held, the thin long sleeve shirt she was wearing didn't help with that. Nari gasped, yet stepped outside and pulled at the door handle, shutting it close.

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