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Anger rushed through his veins, reaching every part of his body

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Anger rushed through his veins, reaching every part of his body.

A few red sparks danced amidst the black of the demon's eyes.
He was being surrounded by an incandescent darkness.

Any human being would've died stepping on the floor he was currently rushing down, but the scorching heat didn't seem to bother him at all.
He was raging, almost fuming when he let out a deep growl while his hands pushed open the heavy door that led to his room, barely able to even control his emotions at all.
If he could, he would destroy the whole world right now, leaving ashes only.
But he couldn't.

Why the fuck did he fail to kill her again?

The young demon didn't notice he had bit his lip a little too hard, only now he realized the sudden metallic taste that filled his mouth.

He didn't mind it though, he was too busy being mad at himself and at the stupid girl that had somehow managed to escape his grasp again.
He should have known she would, but now he had to continue following her around in hopes the hunters would leave her side for once only.

Jisung puffed up his cheeks while walking inside the room, immediately flinching once he noticed somebody was in there already.

„Ah, Jisung can you help me? Wait what the-"
„-fuck happened?"

The two boys looked at the younger one in surprise.
Most of the time he wasn't in a good mood, he only was when taking someone's life, but this time it seemed serious.
They hadn't witnessed him being this angered and frustrated in a long time.

It didn't last long though as the shattering of glass broke the tense tranquility of the room.
He had thrown an empty one against the wall since it was the first item that came into his sight.

The oldest approached the taller one slowly, laying a hand on his shoulder but was immediately met with his fierce eyes while he slapped it away.
„Fuck off, I don't want your pity-"

Jisung stopped mid-sentence while passing the boy in front of him, the sight being unexpected as well as highly unfamiliar.

What the hell happened tonight?

Slowly, he calmed down facing the back of his friend. Could one call them friends? He had no idea.
The three of them were all raised by Jisung's mother since theirs had died, but did that mean they were friends?
The term brothers would probably fit them better regarding the fact all of them referred to the queen of hell as their mother, even though she only actually gave birth to one of them.

As he approached the boy sitting on his bed, his eyes narrowed.

He let out a painful hiss while turning to look at Jisung.
„Did you get caught?"

„I wouldn't be talking to you if they did, dipshit", the injured boy's voice was dripping with annoyance and exhaustion.

„But you're wounded."
„I fucking know I am, Jisung! He was throwing a knife at me and I wasn't fast enough. I was busy making fun of him when he threw that fucking knife!", the elder yelled.

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