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Setting: Mae's house in Hidden Hills, California

"Are the kids back?" Demi asked as they walked into the kitchen

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"Are the kids back?" Demi asked as they walked into the kitchen.

"No, not yet." Jesse responded.

"They should've been back by now..." Demi trailed off.

All of a sudden Demi's phone started blowing up. Receiving texts from friends saying, "I'm so sorry." and "Praying for you". What was going on?

"What the fuck..." Jesse mumbled.

"Are people texting you too?"

"Yeah but I don't know what it's about."

Demi was about to text back asking, what they were sorry about, but then received a notification from TMZ.

Maceo Williams and Mae Lovato-Williams suffer major injuries from car accident

The children of Jesse Williams and Demi Lovato appeared to be in a car accident on their way home from a trip to Trader Joe's.

The two were rushed to Cedar Sinai hospital just before 6 o'clock. Bystanders saying Lovato-Williams appeared to be in critical shape.

Demi stopped reading to look at the time. It was now 6:25. A whole twenty-five minutes had passed, and Demi had no clue about their kids.

"Baby, we gotta get to the hospital." Demi said, their voice shaking.

Jesse simply nodded his head and grabbed his keys.

Setting: Cedar Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles, California

Demi rushed out of the car before Jesse could put it in park and walked into the hospital

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Demi rushed out of the car before Jesse could put it in park and walked into the hospital.

Demi couldn't imagine what had happened to their babies. In the car, Demi read the rest of the TMZ article. After finding out that Mae was found unconscious, Demi couldn't stop crying. Jesse trying to comfort them whispering, "It'll be okay, I promise. They're okay." But Jesse didn't sound like he believed what he said. As his voice shook whenever he talked, it was obvious that he was just as scared as Demi.

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