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The sound of footsteps filled the air as Demi walked down the halls of their old apartment complex in downtown L.A. Demi was headed to their old apartment where their parents had been staying. Demi kept the house for reasons like this, or for when Sadie graduated and was ready to move out.

They knocked on the door and within less than 10 seconds, the door swung open, revealing Dianna. Demi slightly bent down to hug their mother and walked inside.

"Where's Dad?" Demi asked as they took a seat on the couch.

"He went to get groceries for tonight's dinner." Dianna responded, grabbing the remote and turning down the TV. "No offense, but what are you doing here?"

Demi giggled at their mother, "I just needed somewhere to decompress."

"Uh oh," Dianna said, sensing that something was wrong. "What's going on?"

Demi sighed and began telling their mom about their conflict with Mae. Demi just couldn't believe that had happened. Mae and Demi rarely butt-heads and when they did it felt like Demi was talking to themselves. The way Mae's eyebrows would arch and she began to cry when she was angry or felt misunderstood was exactly like Demi, Mae is basically a copy and paste of her mother.

"So then what are you going to do?" Dianna questioned after hearing the full story.

"I don't know," Demi sighed, truly not knowing what to do. "There's no point in grounding her because she's already on bed rest. I just can't believe it, how could she say that to me!?"

"I don't know honey, but that's not the Mae I know." Dianna began. "The Mae I know would never purposely hurt her mom's feelings. Mae has always wanted to do nothing but please you. To be honest, I think she's just scared."

Demi took in what their mother was telling them. Dianna was right, ever since Mae was little she's always wanted to please her parents. Now she's having all these emotions because of the car accident and doesn't know how to deal with them. Right now she doesn't need therapy, she needs her mother.

"Go home Demi. Mae could've died in that accident, you can't waste your time on this. Go be with your daughter." Dianna finished.

Demi said their goodbyes and headed home. Their mother's last words still lingering in their head.

Setting: Mae's House in Hidden Hills, California

Mae stared at the ceiling in boredom as Netflix played in the background

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Mae stared at the ceiling in boredom as Netflix played in the background. She wasn't even sure what she was watching. Being on bed rest was beyond boring. She couldn't do anything and to be honest, it was a little depressing.

Mae heard her door open but didn't bother to see who it was, assuming it was her brother. Whenever he wasn't running around town with North, he was spending time with Mae. It was clear that he felt guilty and no more how many times Mae would tell him it's not his fault, he didn't listen. So to make up for it, he spent his free time playing countless rounds of Uno with Mae.

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