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Setting: Hamilton High School in Los Angeles, California

Mae stared into space as her teacher stood in the front of the class giving a lecture

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Mae stared into space as her teacher stood in the front of the class giving a lecture. So far, this whole day had been a blur. It was nearing the end of third period and she hadn't learned a single thing all day. Her first day back at school and she was anything but excited. She wished she could be at home, in her bed watching her favorite TV shows but she couldn't. She had to wake up at 6 am and get ready for school— better known as, hell on earth.

She didn't know what it was but she couldn't focus. It was like every time she tried to pay attention her brain would start thinking of anything else except what she was learning.


Mae snapped out of her day dreaming to look up and see her teacher staring at her.

"I asked you a question." She said. Mae could hear the annoyance in her tone, it must have not been the first time she tried to get her attention.

"Could you repeat it?" Mae muttered as her face grew red. She was in the spotlight, she hated being in the spotlight.

"I said, what—" The bell rang, interrupting Mae's teacher. Talk about saved by the bell.

Students began to pack up their things and head out of the classroom to lunch. Mae stayed in the back so she wouldn't get ran over by the mob of hungry kids.

Mae met up with Adeya in their usual table in the cafeteria. Normally they would eat in the courtyard or in the gym but unfortunately it was a rainy day in Los Angeles. Adeya was accompanied by Asher and Kaylah, these kids just did not go away.

"Hey girl, I feel like I haven't seen you all day." Adeya said as she helped Mae sit down. It was true. They used to have almost every class together but their schedules had changed when they entered second semester.

"Yeah classes have been boring." Mae says as she takes out her lunch box. Today Linda packed her a spaghetti and garlic rolls. Mae gaged at the thought of eating such heavy food and closed her lunchbox. She started to feel bad knowing how much work Linda puts into making her lunches but she just did not have the energy to eat.

"We're gonna go to the blacktop, you coming?" Asher said, standing up and throwing his backpack over his shoulder.

Mae furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. The blacktop was down the block at an old elementary school that had been shut down. It was now filled with high schoolers that went there to smoke, have sex, basically anything but be at school. What Mae didn't understand was why he was asking them.

"Uhh sure," Adeya said. Now Mae was really confused. She was only gone for a month and all of a sudden Adeya was skipping school? "I'll be back before lunch ends, Mae."

With that Adeya and her new posse was out of sight and Mae was left alone. Adeya wasn't the biggest rule follower but she wasn't one to skip school. Mae hoped that things would remain the same from when she was last at school, but that wasn't the case.

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