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Setting: Couples Therapy in Los Angeles, California

Setting: Couples Therapy in Los Angeles, California

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Demi's "final decision" wasn't very... final. After writing 'To Be Loved' Demi walked back home and fell asleep. She woke up to a series of texts from Jesse. Most of them were him apologizing and begging for forgiveness. But the last one is what caught Demi's eye.

Jesse 💖👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
I scheduled a couples therapy appointment. Please, Demi. Let me fix what I've done. It's tomorrow at 2:40 and she wants both of us there. Please, Demi. I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry.

Jesse 💖👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
I don't expect you to text back or even speak to me at the appointment but I just ask that you show up. I'm sorry.

So here Demi was. Sitting in the office of Dr. Rosie Reyes; the best marriage therapist in California. Rosie didn't look like what you would expect from a marriage therapist. Her blonde hair flowed down her back in beach waves and she wore frame glasses that surprisingly suited her greatly. Demi thought she looked a little like Harry Potter but in a good way.

"Is Jesse joining us?" Rosie asked. And another thing, Jesse was late— or he flaked out and wasn't coming. Either way, Demi was sitting alone in a therapy appointment that she didn't even schedule.

"I hope so," Demi muttered. She took a sip of the coffee she had made herself in the waiting room, it wasn't the best but it would keep her awake. Sleeping had not been her best friend recently.

"How about I just start with you? In couples therapy, I like to talk to each partner separately for 20 minutes, then together. Is it okay if I start my time with you?" Rosie asked. Demi had no choice but to agree. There was no need to sit here and waste time.

Surprisingly, Demi didn't cry during her talk with Rosie because she didn't have any tears left. Demi was sure that this relationship was over and there was nothing left but ashes of what they used to have. But if Jesse wanted to try, she wasn't going to shoot him down. Maybe it was a dumb decision and Demi should've said no and handed him the divorce papers. But that's why she kept them in the glove compartment of her car. This was all just one big tests and so far, Jesse was failing.

Demi sighed and looked at her phone. Three o'clock. 20 minutes and Jesse had still failed to show up. Demi began to gather her things and head for the door. "You know, I don't want to waste your time and Jesse doesn't seem to care, so I think I should just leave—"

Right on cue, Jesse walked in, taking both Demi and Rosie by surprise. Jesse opened the door right as Demi was about to walk out, causing them to stand face to face. Demi tried to take her eyes off of him but she couldn't. His hair was grown out and stood out in a small afro but Demi liked it because he didn't do it often. His beard was untrimmed and unkempt. Seems like Demi wasn't the only one taking this badly.

"Glad you could make it, Jesse," Rosie spoke with a hint of sarcasm in her voice. The Demi took her eyes off of him to turn back and take her seat on the couch.

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