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Setting: Hamilton High School in Los Angeles, California

Setting: Hamilton High School in Los Angeles, California

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"You look horrible." Adeya sat down after taking Mae in. Mae wasn't offended by Adeya's words. She knew she looked like shit, but she had stopped caring a long time ago.

She was rushed out of the house and made it to school 20 minutes late. Mae was dressed in a sweatshirt two times too big with black leggings and a pair of uggs. She sat with her hood on to cover her uncombed hair. Dark, heavy bags grew under her eyes as she hadn't gotten a proper sleep in weeks.

"Surprised you're in class." Mae mumbled, making it loud enough so Adeya could hear her but not her teacher in front of them.

"Its not that big of a deal. I only skipped like twice." Adeya said brushing off Mae's comment.

"Five. You've skipped five times." Mae corrected her. That was counting the days Mae knew of. Sometimes Adeya would not come to school all together. Her mother would drop her off but she'd leave campus and come back at the end of the day like she had been there the whole time.

"So what, you're keeping track of me now?" Adeya asked.

"You shouldn't be skipping school. I do this cause I care about you." Mae said. Mae wanted the best for her. Adeya already struggled in school and skipping her classes would not help.

"Well stop. I don't need you babysitting me, I can take care of myself ya know." Adeya said ending the conversation. Mae didn't know why she was getting so offensive, it wasn't like Mae was lecturing her about skipping her classes.

"It's good to see you in class, Adeya. Can you come by after school since you missed the test?" Their english teacher asked as she was passing back the test they took last week.

"I'd have to check my schedule." Adeya said giving a fake smile then busying herself on her phone. The teacher walked to Mae and handed her test to her faced down which was never a good sign.

"Not your best work, Mae." Said her teacher, giving a disapproving look.

Mae flipped her paper up and was met with the letter 'D' written at the top of her page in red ink. Disappointment would even be the words to describe how Mae was feeling. She had never gotten anything below a B in school but that had all turned around. Mae wanted to cry, scream, rip her hair out. She could feel herself falling apart and now it was affecting her in school.

"What'd you get?" Adeya asked. Based off of Mae's facial expression, she knew it wasn't good.

"Don't worry about it." Mae remarked. She felt like a failure, how could she let it get to this? Maybe she should've gotten a tutor to help her get back on track. Too late now, grades were already in and it was the complete opposite of what she was hoping for.

Setting: Mae's house in Hidden Hills, California

Setting: Mae's house in Hidden Hills, California

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