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Bianca's shoulders were almost broken from how strong Genya shook her. Bianca groaned and awoke before Genya could cause any damage

"Finally, you sleep like a bear"

"Shut it Genya"

"Get up and let's get you ready while we can"

"Alright, some company of a friend will do me well"

After Bianca got out of the bathroom, she sat on a chair and let Genya use her science on her hair.

"Damn, how do you manage to do my hair like that?" she beamed, looking at her wavy red hair tied in a green ribbon

"That's my specialty"

"Cocky much?"

"My specialty"

Before they could converse any more, the door knocked. Genya opened the door, and a tall slim durast entered, with a kefta in his arms.

"Hello David" greets Genya

"H-hello, here's your kefta, general Taylor"

"Thank you" Bianca replied before grabbing her kefta. It was a pitch black almost ankle length coat made out of silk, it had a slit in the middle that reached her knees, which would reveal a glimpse of the pants that she's wearing. It had crimson and silver embroidery at the cuffs, hem, arms, neckline, and shoulder. Bianca opened her closet revealing a kefta identical to the one in her arms, and the other was a bit shorter and harder. Bianca assumed that the shorter one was for combat training.


"You're welcome, general" David said timidly before hurrying out

"Have a nice day" called out Genya, David blushed and closed the door. Genya was also looking down, and Bianca was smirking like an idiot, but chose to hide it if she wanted to live.

"So, how do you like it?"

"LIke it? I love it"

"I designed yours and Alina's kefta. The general insisted on a black kefta, for your shadows. 2 of them are silk for summer, 1 is for combat training, and the wool one comes every winter. They get replaced every once in a while so they don't get torn out"

"Blimey, what do I do when I get ready"

"I suppose you'll have to follow up your schedule"

"What schedule"

"Training, meetings, stuff like this"


"Don't be disappointed, everyone looks forward to it. now get changed to meet the general before you start combat training, I'll have to get Alina ready"

"Thanks Genya"

"See you" and Genya was out. Bianca sighed, her life outside the little palace wasn't bad, but she was still overwhelmed.

She looked at her desk and found a parchment with her schedule. Great, she had a meeting with the general before combat training. She decided that it would do if she was in her combat kefta and boots. Luckily, the general's room was only a few steps away.

"General Kirigan, you wanted to see me" Bianca stated as she entered the war room.

"Good morning, General Taylor, how was your rest?". The general's hair was messed up. He wasn't in his kefta, only in his black shirt and pants with boots, unlike its normal style.

"Fine, thank you"

"How are you finding the Little Palace so far?"

"Is that your purpose for bringing me here?"

"Partly, usually I have my inner circle to discuss military plans for the second army every week. Today's meeting is canceled because of the sun summoner mess."


"However, I've got some reports, some deaths of Grisha and first army members"

"I'll look into those. I'll be going now"

'B, really?! Do I have to teach you how to act around men?! His heartbeat increased when he saw you'

'He's General Kirigan, intolerable'

'His name is well deserved, black general, emo kid, no he's an old man, emo old man, whatever'

Bianca almost laughed out loud from shadow's remark, and she could hear shadow and heart cackling.

Bianca strutted down the stairs, and to her luck, she found Alina in a blue kefta with yellow embroidery.

"Hey Alina!"

"Oh, hello Bianca, nice kefta"

"Thanks, I-"

"Alina! There you are!" beamed a tidemaker who ran to Alina along with an inferni. "Oh- general-"

"If I'm not in a meeting with General Kirigan, the tsar, or in the battlefield, I'm Bianca"

"Hello- Bianca"

"We haven't introduced ourselves properly" said the inferni, "I'm Marie, this is Nadia"

"Pleasure to meet you" Alina and Bianca reply together

'No it's not a pleasure to meet them'

'They're so fake help'

"Why are the guards keeping me inside?" questioned Alina

"You have to be in the dining hall right now, let's go"

The dining hall was a huge room, with 3 main big tables and 2 slightly bigger chairs, one of them is black and the other was crimson. The corporalki are on the left, the summoners are on the right, while the fabrikators are beside the summoners. There were different types of food spread on the table, which brought memories to Bianca about her family breakfast.

"Who are these chairs for?"

"One is for General Kirigan, the other is for Bianca."

"Where is he? The general?"

"He rarely dines with us" answers Marie

"Stop chit chatting and let's eat before all the good stuff are emptied" hissed Bianca.

Marie and Nadia looked startled. "She's always cranky in the morning" Alina whispers

"I am not cranky, thank you very much Miss Starkov"

"Told you" Alina whispers to Marie and Nadia, who slightly chuckle before sitting next to Bianca.

"Where do we start off now?"

"You're supposed to be in training now" replied Nadia. "Are you really a mapmaker?"

"Were you attacked by Fjerdans"

"How many Fjerdans did you kill?"

"Kill?! I barely got a swing off one" answered Alina, sounding dumbfounded. "Bianca did all the killing"

"Sounds like our timing is perfect"

"Welcome to the first part of your new daily schedule, Alina"

"Combat training" finished the 2 girls, while Alina was comprehending her surroundings.

"This is going to be fun"

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