Healer and Strategies

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Bianca followed the general back into his quarters and into the war room. She sat in a chair in silence, and the black general was pacing around, thinking about something. Soon, Ivan, Fedyor, a durast named David, and a pair of twin infernis entered

"Right," General Kirigan asserted. "As you all know, we'll be leaving for a trip soon. The Fjerdans and the Shu Han are aware of the existence of a sun summoner, and they are trying to infiltrate our lines more than ever."

"We need to send more grisha out there" Ivan suggested

"We will have to send more troops to support our grisha." Bianca added "If we plant fear in the druskelle then they'll fall back"

"Ivan, Fedyor, you're going to accompany General Taylor to the Fjerdan border, while David, Polina, Pavel, and I head to the south, clear?"

"General, I don't mean to doubt your decision but the north is far more dangerous-"

"I know the area more than I know the rooms of the palace, we'll be fine"

"Is your doubt cleared Fedyor?"

"Yes General"

"Right, that's it for now, further instructions and strategies will be discussed in the upcoming meetings."

"Right, Moi soverenyi," the three grisha men bowed before they left. Bianca and the black general were alone

"Before we start, are you sure you want to practice healing? 2 powers are already abnormal, nobody has ever mastered 3, not even Illya Morozova"

"No, I want to try"

"Very well then. I have a question for you. How did you first find out about your powers?"

"I tripped over a rock, and instead of bleeding I didn't feel anything. I felt my heart pounding"

General Kirigan merely nodded, before wielding his hands to form the cut, a smaller version of it. Bianca abruptly stepped back and was about to wield her shadows.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you"

"What are you-"

The black general pointed the knife to his chest and shot himself with it. The knife didn't slice him in half, but it wounded him deeply. Bianca rushed to General Kirigan who was coughing blood.

'What. the. fuck.'

"Bianca, heal me, focus on healing the wound, put your mind into it"

Bianca sighed, she wasn't going to let him die in her hands. She despised him, true, but now wasn't the time for her pride to take over.

'B it's alright, just focus'

'B focus, just put the picture of the wound healing in your brain, focus. That man and his dramatics'

Bianca placed both his hands on the wound and closed her eyes, imagining the wound shrinking gradually. She swiftly moved his hands, closing the wound permanently. By the time she finished, she looked at the Darkling who was grinning like a child who stole a lollipop.

"Are you alright?" she panted, sitting up

"Impossible, you can't be all three"

"Should I wound you myself and heal you again for you to be certain?"

"No I'm quite fine in my current state, thank you"

Bianca laughed wholeheartedly. General Kirigan was truly a drama queen, and Bianca was certain. The other general looked extremely confused, but the picture of her laughing wholeheartedly made him crack a smile.

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