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Basil sighed as the plane shook. The take off thrumming deeply through his bones as he leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes as the familiar sensation of the ground dropping away beneath them pulled at his stomach. Across the small jet Steve sat in his uniform. The straps around his chest holding him steady as the shield jet gained altitude were black against that navy blue uniform. Basil hadn't seen him in the uniform in person for over two years. Not since the incident in dc. Not since he had been left bleeding out on the banks of the river. His lover gone and his chest cut open. Wounds that were once raw and sharp, gaping over exposed flesh both emotionally and physically were now white lines. Scars on his torso but still held together by stitches in his head. The thread double knotted to shut them up closed. It was the only way he had gotten through the last two year. Padlocks and routine.

Steve was watching him. The uniform the exactly the same as the old one but clean and unbloodied. His blue eyes concerned as the jet began to level out. Sam called back from the pilot's seat. His voice breaking Basil form his thoughts. "You guys can take off your seatbelts now". There was two clicks as the belts were pushed aside. There was a sigh as Sam stood up and turned to them. His uniform was the same too, red and silver. The folded jet pack and falcon wings on a extra seat. "So", he sighed as he glanced over them. "What's the plan? We won't have much of a head start on this and the order is to shoot on sight".

Basil took a breath and leaned forwards to rest his elbows on his knees. He knew what needed to be said but the words were sour in his mouth. This felt too much like the conversation they'd had back before the shield incident in DC, back when they recognised the winter solider. "If he is this far gone. If that was him with the bomb then he needs to be put"- he choked on his words. "Stopped. And we need to be the ones to do it". He looked up and Steve's eyes were understanding. The blonde nodded.

"Everyone is going to be trying to stop us", Sam pointed out. "Governments, shield, everyone".

"I know", Steve stated calmly. "But he would do it for me".

"Would he? Maybe back in 1945 but now?" Basil hated how those words tugged at the stitches.

"If he can't, if he won't, if that is not him then I need to be there", he growled through gritted teeth. "It's to honour him, even if that's just my memory of him. He meant something to me and I meant something to him so I need to be there. I need closure Sam". He stood and turned his back to them, leaning his forehead against the wall. The poor substitute for a suit felt suffocating as he fought to quell is anxiety.

"You are owed it", Sam sighed sadly. "Both of you. I just need you to know the risks".

"We know the risks Sam", Steve reminded. "Thank you". Same looked between them before signing and turning back to the pilots seat. Basil felt a hand land on his shoulder and turned to see Steve watching him. "Are you sure you want to be here?"

"I told him 'to the end of the line'. I promised him and I can't just leave him now. Even if he soonest remember me. Even though he has spent more time trying to kill me than he ever spent trying to kiss me. We had one year. One year together out of the decades we have all lived. Henry asked me why I hadn't moved on long ago and I could have. I could have", Basil inhaled then exhaled slowly.

"Why didn't you?" Steve murmured. "Why do you stay with me? I wouldn't fault you for moving on. You never needed to stick to me". It was a conversation that was long overdue. Something that had been bubbling between then since the alien attack on New York. Long before DC and the Winter Soldier.

Basil shrugged, eyes flicking to the windows and the clear sky beyond. "At first it was for him. Then it was because you were the only one who I could relate to. Then I realised in all those dingy bars and clubs that the love I found there never compared to the love I had when with him. That everyone seemed to have forgotten him. Not his role, but him. How he was beautiful and funny and protective. Such a big brother that he couldn't help but tease you but still be there to pull you back off the floor".

"Always there with a joke and a arm around your shoulder", Steve remarked with a nostalgic smile. "A joke and a quick comeback".

"Gosh he was brutal in the best ways", Basil laughed slightly. "Verbal lashings that would sting for hours. The world didn't know that. I need to know if he is really dead or if the man he is now deserves a chance. If he is really dead then I can finally let him go. If the man he is now is still redeemable then I want to see. I'm not the boy I was then so I don't expect him to be the man I loved. I just want to know if there's hope". He ran a hand over his curls. Gaze meeting Steve's again as he smiled slightly. "You're my brother Steve. No matter what happens with Bucky. You are my brother forged in battle and ice. You can't get rid of me now". He nudged Steve with his shoulder and the blonde grinned.

"Tried. Unfortunately you're like a bad omen Parrish. You just can't seem to go away".

"Fuck you", Basil laughed. "I'm only bad karma to those who deserve it". He patted the knives sheathed on his belt. Four big ones and six little ones hidden on various parts of his body. The weight a long forgotten friend. His Kevlar lined black body suit making his eyes darker as he grinned.

"Scary", Steve snorted.

"Basil is still scarier than you Steve!" Sam called from the front. "It's the laugh. There should be a warning sign 'scaring nazis since 1945'. I can just picture it".

"Since 1943. I signed up in 1943. Didn't meet Bucky until 1944 though", Basil corrected.

"Good track record", Sam nodded. "Scaring Nazis since 1943".

"Wait you signed up a year before me?" Steve frowned. "How old were you?"

"Nineteen", Basil chirped.

"Fuck. I was twenty two. Gods I feel old".

Sam laughed from the front. "Hate to break it too you but you both are over ninety".

"Ninety going on twenty seven", Basil reminded. "I haven't even reached thirty yet unlike this guy".

"Stop reminding me", Steve groaned. "Let's discuss our plan of action before you both start making old jokes again".

"Careful you don't stress out your heart too much", Basil smirked. "At your age you should really be aware of how stress is bad for heart".

"Shut up Basil".

"Make me".

"Hey! Your two, no fighting in a plane! It's a long drop!"


Who has missed Steve and Basil's banter? I have.

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