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What consisted of the suit Agent Carter had intended for Basil was yet another SHIELD tactical agent uniform in black. Combat trousers, his boots and a shirt lined with protective layers. But what he was most glad to see was the numerous knives in their sheathes filling a small carrier bag. There had to be at least twenty in there and he grinned as he rummaged through them. Steve chuckled at the look on his face. "You should not look soo gleeful to see sharp objects", he commented jokingly. 

"Tell me that when you've gotten over your attachment to your shield", Basil snarked back. Steve's laugh was muffled as he pulled his tshirt over his head. Around them, the others were struggling into their suits. Wanda was the only one who didn't really need to change so she was waiting in the van with Clint (who had arrived changed) arrived in while the guys struggled outside. Scott was jumping on one foot to take his boot off. Sam just changed shirts and was leaning against the blue car to talk to Henry. The ginger seemed to be telling a story, Basil had a sneaking suspicion that it was about him, that had Sam bent over laughing. 

Basil pulled his shirt from his head and eyed them with a frown, curls frizzing up from the movement. He dropped the cheap tshirt to the floor and shook out the undervest that had come with the uniform. He had already changed his trousers and boots but the protective shirt had a few too many straps to be simple. A cold touch of a finger to the bare skin between his shoulder blades made him jump. He whirled round to see Bucky stood behind him. He hadn't even heard the man approach. Bucky was looking down at Basil's bare skin with a curious gaze. "You got more tattoos?" 

Basil blinked. The dog tags round his neck rested cooly in the centre of his chest and Bucky's eyes flickered to them for a second. "Oh yeah. I got the one on my back after I retired. Then I got this one about a year ago". He gestured to the poppies lining his upper chest just under his collarbones. The flowers were mostly black outlines with small flashes of red intertwined amidst the petals, the stems overlapping so it looked like they grew out of his skin. The flowers were in contrast to the large tattoo covering his back. It had been expensive and hours of work but he had the money and he did not regret it. He turned back round to give Bucky a better look at the black lines. It was a giant outline of a church window, gothic styled and recognisably historic. Underneath were lines in an elegant script. 

"Life, although it may only be an acclamation of anguish, is dear to me and I will defend it". 

"Frankenstien", Bucky muttered, recognising the quote. 

Basil nodded. "The church window is from Canterbury cathedral. Even though everything is different from when I grew up, that place is still the same". He pulled on the under vest and the tattoos disappeared from sight. Only the faded sun with the bird on his arm was still visible as he tried to work out how to pull on the protective shirt. 

Bucky pulled on his own jacket. The winter soldier jacket with a sleeve missing for his metal arm. "Why did you get more?" 

Basil shrugged. "Because I wanted something to make me feel more than a scarred soldier". Bucky had seen the pale lines of scar tissue under the ink. Small scars, large scars. Basil's abdomen still bore the surgery scars and the bullet wound from their last battle. He managed to get the shirt on and the bare skin disappeared. Bucky watched him began to tuck the sheathed knives into various straps and pockets. The blades disappearing somewhere on his person. 

"Nice", Basil hissed with a smile as he pulled a long knife from the bag. He lifted his leg and rested against the car as he strapped the knife to his thigh. Then he reached into the bag and pulled out another of the same size and held it out to Bucky. "Here. I know you have the metal arm but it is good to have a weapon as well". 

Bucky looked down at it in surprise. He was the winter soldier, a trained weapon and assassin. Hydra was in his head and there was no telling when they would take over. Yet, Basil was looking at him with big green eyes and holding out a weapon. Concern on his face. "Sure it's safe to give me a weapon Parrish?" He asked with a slight joking tone in his voice as his metal fingers wrapped around the handle. Basil grinned at him and for a second they were both younger and in green uniforms, faces smudged with dirt and the echo of some show tune Basil had been singing fading in the air. Bucky blinked and the memory was gone.

"Safety?" Basil laughed. "I don't know her. Who's she?" Then he giggled. "I trust you Sarge. If Hydra takes control then I don't think that one knife is going to make much of a difference. Not with that metal arm of yours". He gestured to it and Bucky sighed. Basil had a point, no weapons had never made him less lethal, but there was still a lot of damage he could do with a blade. Basil was still holding out the knife. Bucky took it and the man beamed. (How could Bucky say no to that face???) 

"Everybody ready?" Steve's voice broke the moment. Basil leaned down to stick a knife in each boot then stuffed two more up each sleeve. 

"Now I am", He grinned. The van door opened and Clint and Wanda both climbed out. 

"This suit is so tight", Scott huffed as he finished pulling on the helmet. It was vaguely bug like and had antenna. 

"Bug?" Basil asked. 

"Ant. Ant-man", Scott clarified. 

"Wow", Basil's voice was deadpan. "Ant-man. Such a scary name. I'm terrified". 

"Oi"- Scott began but was silenced as Steve held up a hand. 

"Basil. Stop antagonising the new guy". Basil huffed and pouted. Bucky felt his lips twitch in a slight amused smirk. Steve continued. "Alright. Everyone listen up. Here's the plan". They all stepped forwards, listening to what Steve had to say. When he was finished, Basil held up a hand. 

"Yes Basil?" 

"Why don't we simply aim for the jet?" 

"Because Tony will disable it before we got there". 

"Then why don't I just turn you and Bucky intangible and we sneak there through the walls?" 

"Because you can't do that to all of us".  Basil sighed at the reminder and deflated. Steve rolled his eyes and looked around. 

"Any other questions?" 

"One question", Scott held out his hand. "What happens if we get caught?" 

"I come and break you out later", Basil grinned. "But that's effort so please don't get caught". 

"Any more questions?" Steve sighed. "No? Okay. Let's go". 


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