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There was the hum of jet pack motors and the rush of air as Sam glided just as Basil and Steve raced out of the front doors. Down the street they could see the forms of Bucky and the unknown guy with cat ears caught in a fight. The cat guy, (Panther? Basil guessed that he was some sort of big cat inspired hero) tripped Bucky up and the soldier went sprawling. His hands pulling the panther after him and the two men rolled across the concrete.

"Who's the other guy?" Sam asked down the comms.

"Don't know", Steve replied. "But let's find out". Above them, as Basil and Steve ran towards the conflict, a helicopter rose. Bullets pinging off the road as a machine gun fired overhead.

"Sam!" Basil called, not breaking stride for a second even as bullets went straight through him.

"On it". In the sky, Sam flipped round in a twist towards the helicopter. His wings folded up and he curled into a ball. Feet hitting the tail of the machine and knocking it off balance. There were panicked shouting from the men inside as they tried to regain control of suddenly crashing helicopter. Sam laughing as his wings unfolded and he swooped up just before he hit the ground.

"Thanks", Basil waved over his shoulder. Bucky and the Panther man had moved on. Both running down the street. Then Basil watch3d as Bucky bounded on top of a small wall and disappeared over the edge. He cursed and ran faster. Steve on his heels and the Panther man only a few feet in front. He hit the Panther solidly with his shoulder, shoving him away so that he could get to the wall first. Basil grinned at him as he leapt over the wall and down to the motorway below.

He in a forward roll on the solid rock and gasped at the bruises that were shot to come up later. Car horns blared but he was back up on his feet and running after the green jacket and long hair. Behind him, he heard the thump of footsteps as the Panther followed. Whoever this guy was, he was fast. Just as fast as a supersoldier. Bucky was fast too but Basil had trained on morning runs with Steve for three years and in the last two years had been running laps around London in the grey dawn hours after shifts. He sped up.

"Stand down!" Voices through megaphones shouting as sirens screamed. The local law enforcement and most probably shield coming after that. "Stand down".

Basil glanced over his shoulder just in time to see one of the cars hit Steve. The blonde was up as soon as it stopped and throwing the driver out before getting inside and grabbing the wheel. The lapse in concentration almost made Basil run into a car. The woman driving screamed as he got too close, only for the vehicle to pass right through him. He barely even blinked. "Sorry!" He shouted back to the most probably now very traumatised woman.

"Sam, I can't shake him", Steve's voice echoed through the comms. The Panther had claws his way onto Steve's stolen car and was hanging on as they veered sharply through traffic.

"Right behind you", Sam replied.

Basil kept running. Bucky now only a about two cars ahead. A motorcycle was coming. Bucky turned at the sound of the engine and Basil saw him glance back at him. Blue eyes meeting green for the tiniest of seconds. "Sarge!" Basil called out desperately. Then Bucky was turning away. His metal hand catching the handles of the motorbike just before it hit him. The driver fell off at the sudden force and Bucky was pulling the bike up and around through the air, jumping as it came back down. Basil felt himself slow in shock as he watched Bucky straddle the bike in one smooth movement and take off. "Fuck", he panted, stopping. "Not helpful but fuck. Fuck that was hot". He ran a hand through his curls, watching Bucky's figure on the bike grow smaller. He had no chance of running after a bike.

"Coming up on your six", Steve warned. "Five, four, three, two"-

Basil waited until the car was just about to hit him before jumping. His arse landed on the hood as the force knocked him back into where the windshield would be, if Steve had not broken off. He grabbed the rim of the roof and perched there on the hood as the car kept moving. The sirens echoing and the wind narrowing as they entered a tunnel. "Hi", he grinned at the black Panther man also perched on the roof behind him. The suit had some pretty interesting claws that were digging holes into the metal. Basil wanted some. The Panther mask looked at him, the eye holes just white. Basil grinned even wider at it. "How's it hanging?" He asked.

The Panther didn't reply. Instead, the man vaulted up over the roof onto the hood before leaping at Bucky. He caught the other man round the shoulders and used his weight to push off the wall and tip the bike over. There was a painful screeching noise as the metal arm scrapped across the road. Bucky kicked the Panther guy off him and he landed in the road. Basil tightening his grip on the roof as Steve had to sudden swerve to avoid hitting him. "Bye!" He waved as they passed.

"Basil", Steve huffed. "Please don't aggravate the people attacking us".

"You know me Steve. When have I ever listened to you?" Basil replied with a smirk as he shifted his position on the hood. They were drawing closer to Bucky again. "Actually you should listen to me more as I'm your doctor".

That was when someone threw a bomb at the ceiling. They had been drawing to the end of the tunnel when the bomb hit the edge of the ceiling. It exploded and rubble came raining down. Basil cursed loudly as the Panther guy flew over his head. Claws out and knocking the bike out from under Bucky. (Apparently he had used Sam like a whip to shoot himself forward). He jumped too as stone fell around them. Steve having the swerve the car. Basil landed in a roll as Steve burst out of the car in a run. The vehicle flipping behind them.

Basil came to a stop in the centre of the road as Bucky and the Panther man both stood up. Around them, sirens were wailing as a dozen government vehicles surrounded them. Above, helicopters circled like vultures. Basil panted as he looked around, catching his breath. "Wow", he laughed. He sent a grin towards Bucky, who's expression was stone cold. "This was fun boys".

There was a large heavy metal thunk as Iron Patriot landed on a empty car. The suit rose and the laser holsters flowed in its palms. James Rhodes' voice echoing from inside. "Stand down. Now".

Basil had heard of Rhodes but hadn't actually had the opportunity to meet him. By the time the man was more involved in avengers stuff, Basil had already quit. Nether the less, he waved a hand at the silver iron man suit. "Hi. Heard a lot about you. Nice to meet you. I'm unarmed". He held up his empty hands with an innocent expression. Definitely neglecting to mention the numerous knives hidden about his person.

Rhodes did not seem as amused. Around them there was the click of guns being loaded and the safety's being taken off as they were aimed. Basil took a step closer to Steve. Bucky between them as Steve held an arm out in protection. (Protection for Bucky or to stop the soldier? That was still unclear). "Congratulations Cap, Medic", Rhodes' helmet gave a slight nod to them. "You're both criminals".

"Well", Basil shrugged. "Was bound to happen to me someday. Are we on tv?" He looked up at the circling helicopters and waved. Steve sighed tiredly and with the air of a ashamed friend. Hidden behind his hair, Bucky's lips twitched in a small smile.

The armed soldiers ran forwards and forced their hands behind their backs. Basil let them push him down onto his knees as cuffs clicked. Behind them, he saw Sam being marched over to join them. His wings folded back and his arms up in surrender. "Kinky. Though if you wanted me on my knees then you could have just asked", he winked at the men cuffing him.

"Basil", Steve sighed. "Shut up".

"What? Are they going to gag me too?" Basil laughed. He turned to look at the Panther. The man was taking off his helmet. Immediately the men around him changed attitudes. He was a handsome man with warm brown skin and close cut hair. Basil whistled, sort of recognising him but not really. "Steve, who's he?" He whispered. Bucky was still silent between them.

"Your highness", Rhodes' voice was calm.

"Prince, King now, T'Challa. Of Wakanda", Steve whispered back as the men hauled him up.

"Oooo", Basil giggled as he he too was hauled up onto his feet by his shoulders. He gave the king a challenging grin. "Your majesty. You all know that you can't hold me right? I'm just letting you do this so stop shoving me". He huffed as he was jostled. The king watching the four of them with cold eyes. Bucky still silent on the ground.


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