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They were aiming for Wakanda but they had to make a pit stop first. Basil managed to patch Vision up the best he could on the quinjet with the medical supplies they had. It stopped the bleeding but they would need technology more advanced, able to deal with the mixture of metal and flesh that was Vision's body to fully heal the wound. When he was done, he spent the rest of the journey napping in the copilot seat with Queenie in his lap. The cat had taken to growling at Sam, much to Steve's and Basil's amusement. The man was a little offended that the cat liked everyone else better than him. Henry seemed to be just as amused as Basil, but hid it so that Sam could grumble at him. 

The sun was high in the sky and bright when they touched down on the helipad outside the Avengers headquarters. Basil strode down the ramp, Queenie back in her carrier and complaining about it, and whistled. From the outside, the place looked exactly the same as it had the last time he had seen it. That was before he was a wanted and later pardoned criminal of course. Steve adjusted his gloves as he stepped to his side. "Any memories?" He asked. His captain America suit much darker than it had ever been and the white star faded. His beard glinted as gold as his hair in the sun. Basil thought that the blonde needed a tartan shirt to go with the new facial hair. 

"A few", he replied. His own, borrowed once again, (it was far too late in his hero career to get a recognisable suit of his own. The trademark suit was Steve's thing but maybe he should stop stealing others) suit was just like Natasha's. A black and clinging thing that had way too many buckles and belts full of pockets and random things. The majority of stuff was bandages and various emergency supplies. The rest was knives. He liked his knives and it felt good to have two hunting knives strapped to his thighs again.

"Two fossils for the museum", Natasha stated as she joined them. "Looking good baby boy", she grinned. "But only because we're matching". Behind her Sam helped Vision limp down the ramp. Henry just behind them. The ginger was the only one out of them not wearing combat gear, or in the case of Wanda, blood stained clothes. He was dressed in a black turtle neck and jeans over black docs, leather jacket hanging from his shoulders. Basil squinted in the bright sunlight and turned around to wave at his cousin. Henry rolled his eyes but pulled two pairs of mirrored ray bands from the pockets and tossed one over. Basil caught it and slid them over his nose, one hand brushing his curls out of the way of his forehead. 

"Need some gum to go with that look?" Wanda asked and held out a pink packet of strawberry bubblegum. She didn't like bubblegum. At his look, she grinned. "It fell out of your pocket when you were getting changed on the jet". He took the packet and popped a piece into his mouth as they all began to walk inside the building. 

It was just as white and modern and sterile as he remembered. He grimaced as the dulcet tones of secretary Ross echoed down the corridors towards them. He and Nat exchanged looks. "Mr Secretary", Steve greeted as they walked down the corridor and came to a stop at the entrance to the labs. Basil half expected Tony to be there but Rhodes was instead. The man didn't seem surprised to see them but the full body hologram of Ross looked spitting. 

"You've got some nerve", Ross gritted his teeth as he stepped closer to them. "I'll give you that".

Basil blew a loud bubble which burst with a pop, reflective lenses blocking his gaze from Ross' view. "Hiya Ross", he grinned around his chewing. "Made a cell that can contain me yet? Since I was pardoned and paid good money to hush up and stay out of the media, I guess no". The look Ross gave him was bitter enough to kill. Basil's grin widened. 

"The world is on fire and you think all is forgiven?" 

"I'm not looking for forgiveness", Steve stated. "And I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender so we're here to fight. And if your want to stand in our way", he stepped down into the lab so that he and the hologram was eye to eye, "we'll fight you too". 

Ross swallowed and turned around to Rhody. "Arrest them". 

Rhody nodded. "All over it". Then he dismissed the call and the holograms vanished. 

"I wish I could do that in real life", Basil sighed. "If only people came with an off switch". 

"You and me both", Nat chuckled. 

"Well that was a court martial", Rhody shrugged, a grin pulling on his face. "It's great to see you Cap. Baz". He held out his hand and both Steve and Basil took turns shaking it before Nat had her turn. 

"It's good to see you too". 

"Wow", Rhody glanced around at them all. "You all really look like crap. Excusing you Basil, and the ginger dude. Nice to see you, my name is Rhodes, you can call me Rhody". Henry stepped down to join them. 

"The hotels weren't exactly five star", Sam shot back with a chuckle.

"Henry Charlton. I'm cousin to this national incident", Henry grinned as he gestured at Basil. 

"Wow, the patience you must have", Rhody shook Henry's hand. "A true hero". 

"Oi!" Basil exclaimed as Henry sniggered. 

"Well I think you all look great". A familiar voice echoed around the room. They all turned to see a older, but just as welcome face step through the door. Bruce stepped into the brighter lights and smiled hesitantly at them. He looked more weary and worn, wearing grey clothes just a bit too big on him but in all, looking good for someone they had not seen since Ultron was a thing. "Yeah, I'm back", he made a gesture with his hands. 

"Hi bruce", Nat was the first to reply. 

"Nat", Bruce nodded.

Behind him, Basil heard Sam mutter "This is awkward". The escaping snort was muffled behind the gum. 


that video above is Rami Malek having the same energy as Basil. this is why he's the face claim.

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