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Rain fire was aptly named. The ship above fired down and the blazing hot missiles raised the ground. Dirt and body parts, mostly chitari, went flying and the explosions were deafening. Basil strolled across the battlefield with his sword on his shoulder as everyone else took cover, the blue fire and explosions surrounding him nothing more than light and sound. His body melting through it all and remaining untouched. He had a destination in mind and these explosions weren't stopping him.

Then the explosions stopped. A light appeared in the sky above and he glanced up to see what appeared to be comet rip right through the ship. It tore it apart and Basil took a second to appreciate the sight of Thanos' ship exploding and breaking in half. The wreckage beginning to descend into the river. (He also took a second to wonder how the heck this became his life. Aliens, wizards and robots. Sometime he had to take a second or too to simply absorb the sheer craziness that was his normality now). Then he shook it off and sped up as he neared his destination. A wide manic grin filling his face as he gripped his sword. 

Thanos had shielded himself behind a pile of rocks and debris. He recovering from Wanda's attack and glaring angrily at the ruins of his spaceship with the dawning rage that he may not win this time. The titan turned to order something to his General, eyes finding the space a short distance away where the grey haired alien had been fighting. Only to find him crumpled on the floor with his head several feet away from his body and Basil sauntering across the field with a wide vindictive smile. "Hi", he greeted the Titan. "You look just as horrible as last time".

"I do not know you", Thanos stated as he readied his weapon.

"I wish that was the same for me", Basil sighed. He was tired. "But unfortunately I have seen your dried out grape of a face before and I would personally not like to see it again. The easiest way to do that is to kill you".

Thanos levelled his huge double blade in preparation. Basil, who was tiny compared to his opponent, like a small child. He wasn't the tallest of humans but he barely stood up to the titan's mid chest. So small and breakable. Yet when the giant swung his huge blade, which was easy as tall as Basil himself, it passed through the human with no impact. The Titan roared as he swung again. Basil kept walking towards him slowly with his own sword hanging at his side and a smirk on his lips. "What are you?" Thanos grunted as he stumbled back. Basil swung his sword and it cut a neat slash across the back of the titan's hand. He shouted a the sudden pain in surprise and struck out. It had no effect.

"I guess you can call me a ghost", Basil hummed as yet another strike went through him. He darted under the titan's huge arm and drove his blade into the chink of the alien's armour behind his knee. It sunk into flesh, but with a bit of effort. The Titan's thicker skin making it a bit more difficult. Still, it was effective and Thanos went stumbling back, crashing down on to one knee. 

With the titan on one knee, he was still taller than Basil. Not that the man cared. For a second he basked in the look of anger on the titan's face, then Thanos' eyes narrowed on something behind him and Basil turned. The huge double bladed weapons went flying through him and straight into the back of a ugly brown van just as Captain marvel closed in on it with the gauntlet and all the infinity stones under her arm. The resulting explosion resulted in a shockwave the blasted everything within a hundred foot radius back. That included the captain and Thanos. It did not include Basil though and he simply stood still as he watched the fall out. His eyes tracking the gauntlet sailing through the air. 

It landed unfortunately close to where Thanos had collapsed. It also landed near Tony. Stark lunged for it but Thanos got their first and threw him aside. The purple grape reached for it but Thor stopped him. The god driving his axe (Basil blinked. Was it him or did Thor put on a bunch of weight and grow his hair and beard out since he had last seen him? If it wasn't for the costume and the lightning then he might not have recognised him) down in an effort to cut open the titan's neck and sever his head from his body. But it was caught in one hand. Thor summoned his hammer and drove it against the handle to add to the weight. Steve helping by jumping on the titan's back and pulling the axe closer. 

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